Chapter 213 Trading (1)
"Erya, you have suffered a lot. Do you feel uncomfortable? You look so thin. You are the one who suffered a thousand dollars from Tie Tian. How can you attack a child?"

And at this moment in front of An Xin's gate, almost all the An family members are here, even An Fu is here, but at this moment An Xin has never seen An's San Niang.

And when Old Madam An saw An Xin, she couldn't help but praise An Xin for her enthusiastic appearance. If people who didn't know it would really mistakenly think that Old Madam An was a good grandma. "Erya, hurry up and let the auntie take a look, ah, this third uncle is really good, he can kill such a cute girl, and he is not afraid of retribution, come here and the auntie made something delicious for you, Do you want to try it, Erya?"

The third mother of the An family took out a pack of brown sugar for An Xin, but An Youcai, who was in front of An Xin at the moment, saw it, but said with disgust, "Sister, don't eat it, I don't know if it was poisoned, it's all dirty. up,"

By the way, An Youcai's affection for An's family is useless, so when he saw An's family at this moment, An Youcai's face turned ugly, especially when he saw An's Sanniang take out a bag of broken irons, he immediately frowned. I despised it even more.

He really thought her sister was a beggar, and brought this kind of uneaten candy left over. I don't know if he wanted to kill his sister. Seeing An Youcai at this time, he hated An's family even more.

Especially when he saw the sticky brown candy in Aunt An's hand, he immediately felt a little sick and didn't know if it was saliva, but he dared to take it out.

"How can you say that if you are talented? How can this be poisonous? You can't just forget when you have money. You used to eat every day. You unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. In the past, my aunt and mother treated you well," An Jia said. As soon as the aunt heard An Youcai's words, her expression turned ugly.

This brat is talking nonsense, if it weren't for your family getting rich, I would really like to come here as an old lady, if you usually invite me to come, I would hate it.

You must know that she snatched this from her precious son, and when she snatched it, her son cried miserably, thinking about it made her feel bad.

"How can you talk to the child like this, you mother-in-law, how can you accompany the child if you scare the child?" An Jia Dalang on the side saw his mother-in-law getting angry, and quickly scolded.

One must know that they came here today to trick this family back, and then search for their money. If this stupid woman messes up at this time, he will not let his parents pluck their skins when they go back.

"You useless bastards, shut up for me, and don't embarrass yourself here. Didn't you see that Erya is still there? How do you coax people who scare their children?" An Fu saw that An Xin's face changed , then slapped him horizontally and said.

These bastards knew that none of them could do anything, even if they messed up such a small matter, they were the only ones, eh,,, thinking about it now, my third and second sons are still useful.

But when he thought of An Tietian and An Youwei, An Fu's face was also a little ugly. When he thought of An Tietian, he thought that he was sent to the frontier at this moment, and he was ashamed of himself. When he thought of this, he hated An Tietian in his heart.

And when he thought of An Youwei, An Fu felt resentment in his heart. He had spent a lot of hard work to raise his son, but he never thought that once he became rich, he would leave his father to enjoy the blessings. How could An Fu not be resentful?

That's why An Fu didn't like to see the three An Xin sisters so much, because he thought that the three An Xin and the three were simply bastards, otherwise, how could his son not come home? The three sisters must have been restrained.

(End of this chapter)

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