pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 227 Seeing Li Yuanwai Again

Chapter 227 Seeing Li Yuanwai Again (6)
For Li Yuanwai An Xin and your admiration, tell me, he is quite old, why do you still think about the little girl every day, and marry a beautiful lady every day, An Xin really feels worried for Li Yuanwai, he I am not afraid of dying from excessive indulgence.

And when Li Qiang came to return the car, he was grateful to An Xin, after all, if An Xin hadn't borrowed the car this time, his daughter-in-law would probably blow it up, and it wouldn't matter if it didn't matter, Xiaoyue would be killed.

After all, the girl who entered Li Yuanwai to be a concubine would have a long life, who would die within a month or two after entering, thinking of Li Qiang's affection for An Xin, it would be a risk to go up.

And when An Xin heard Li Qiang's words, she only said a few words of modesty, but she was still very satisfied with this unexpected joy.

After all, it is a good thing to be kind to the old village head. After all, the matter of borrowing a car is just a matter of lifting a finger.

After Li Qiang returned the car to An Xin, he left, and at this time An Youcai also woke up. After seeing An Youcai woke up, An Xin asked her to wash up and prepare to go to the city.

However, when An Xin went to the construction site to look for Qin Yihan, he never saw Qin Yihan's figure. After asking the man who was familiar with Qin Yihan, he found out that Qin Yihan had something to do today.

After knowing that Qin Yihan had something to do, An Xinbi casually found a worker, and brought An Youcai into the city.

But this time, after An Youcai came into the city, he didn't play around like last time, but followed An Xin closely for fear that something might happen to An Xin.

And when An Xin saw this, she shook her head and didn't say much, but she had a doting smile on her face, and soon An Xin came to a place that sold furniture.

And when An Xin walked into the store, soon another person who looked like a shopkeeper came up, "You two young masters and young miss, what are you going to buy? I have the most beautiful dressing table and jewelry box here." ,"

As soon as he saw An Xin coming in to get the shopkeeper, his eyes lit up immediately, and he hurried to An Xin and said, after all, he often has older children like An Xin coming here, and of course those children are all rich men.

Compared with the adults who look forward and backward when buying things, these children are different. They all want to buy things when they see them, and the adults are willing to spend money on my children, so the shopkeeper is so enthusiastic.

"I want to see the chair and table, and the other is a dressing table," An Xin said to the shopkeeper, and then looked around, but these furniture made her a little disappointed.

"Okay, little lady, come over here. There are stools made of high-quality wood and a dressing table. They are all new goods and have just been shipped from the capital." Soon the shopkeeper went with An Xin. Looked at the stool and dresser.

And when An Xin saw the dressing table, he touched the smooth and clean surface with his hands. It was indeed a good craftsmanship, and if the carving was fine in modern times, it must be a handicraft, but this style is a bit old, not in line with her aesthetics.

"To the shopkeeper, is there anything you want to do here? I think I have paintings, and then you can make them for me," An Xin quickly expressed her thoughts. In fact, she had already had this idea as early as yesterday. up.

After all, after her garden was completed, she wanted more than just a few pieces of furniture, and she also wanted to make her home beautiful, after all, this was her first home in another world.

It's just that at this moment, she is not sure whether the shop in front of her is willing to do it, "Miss, what you mean is that you draw it yourself and let us do it, but there is no precedent for us, and I can't make the decision."

(End of this chapter)

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