pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 231 What is a Good Man 2 More

Chapter 231 What is a good person (1)
Seeing that An Youcai was so stubborn, An Xin didn't say anything, so he followed Li Yuanwai into the small room, and just as An Xin and the others sat down, the shopkeeper brought refreshments.

"I don't know what kind of furniture you want to make this time, Ms. An? You might as well show it to me first," Li Yuanwai brought the refreshments, and then pushed the refreshments in front of An Youcai and An Xin. Talented but fruitless.

Instead, he still looked at Li Yuanwai angrily, and when Li Yuanwai saw this, he didn't show any dissatisfaction, but he couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw that there was no change in An Xin's expression.

In fact, to be honest, all he knew about this girl was that An Xin used a knife to slash someone. In fact, one day he might not be a victim of An Xin's knife.

It's just that Li Yuanwai was very surprised at this moment, An Xin had a hot temper that day, and his temper was so ruthless that even he didn't dare to provoke him, but when she saw An Xin this time today, she seemed to be alone.

The whole person was as calm as water. If he hadn't seen An Xin hacking people with a knife that day, he would probably not take it seriously if someone told him how tough the girl in front of him was.

After all, one day he deeply remembered that this girl was ruthless in cutting people. In fact, a ruthless person is not scary, but Li Yuanwai felt terrible when she was so ruthless that this girl was not afraid of death.

"Actually, it's nothing. I just want to make some furniture with Li Yuanwai, and it's a set, about a dozen sets." An Xin nodded when she heard Li Yuanwai's words. Dim sum, but she pushed it aside without leaving a trace.

After all, although her garden is not comparable to the place where Junhua lives, it is still very large. There are more than a dozen rooms in the house, and these rooms do not include the servants' rooms. After all, An Xin plans to buy a few servants back in a few days .

Although she is a modern person, she will not be so pretentious that she will not look down on people when she says something, and she will not shout stupid things like opposing slavery. After all, it is better for people to do as the Romans do.

In a garden as big as hers, it would be impossible without a servant, and it would be impossible for her to invite outsiders to work when she was doing business in the future. Wouldn't it be leaked sooner or later.

And if those people are his servants, they must have some guarantees. After all, in this era, if servants rush to betray their masters, the end will be very bleak.

Therefore, those who have become servants here dare not give birth to a heart of betrayal, especially those who have made a death contract with their masters, and they want to be slaves of their masters for life after life.

"Look at the blueprint first," he said, and took out the blueprint of a set of furniture, and this set of furniture blueprint is a bed dresser, as well as office work, all of which are the same.

In addition, there is a wardrobe, one side is for hanging clothes, and the other side is for storing clothes. "I don't know if this furniture can be made,"

At this moment, this set of furniture was drawn by An Xin for herself. As for An's and the others, she will go back and ask them what style they like, and then prepare for them.

Speaking of which, An Xin gave the blueprint to Li Yuanwai, and when Li Yuanwai took the blueprint, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

This wardrobe and dressing table are styles that he has never seen before. They are simple but elegant and very suitable for women. They are elegant, fresh and comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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