pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 243 The highest level of shamelessness

Chapter 243 The highest level of shamelessness (4)
"You girl, don't talk nonsense. If you let others hear it in the future, you will harm your sister." Upon hearing An Xin's words, An Shi hurriedly scolded.

After all, this younger sister finds a man for her elder sister. This kind of thing is unprecedented. It's not that An Qiao's reputation is bad, even An Xin's reputation is not good. What would you think?

"Mother, don't worry, I'm telling you guys, I'm telling you, my sister is the best woman in the world, so naturally I want to find the best man in the world to match, I don't expect my sister to marry any prince or nobleman, But I hope that my sister can find a man who loves her to the bone and loves her. Only in that way can he make up for the suffering that my sister has suffered in the past. People say that many things will be bitter before sweet, but after my sister’s suffering is over, the days to come Naturally, it should be sweet,"

An Xin didn't care much about An Shi's words, she had made up her mind, she wanted to find the best man in the world for her sister, how about she didn't expect that man to have rights?Don't expect that person to be rich?
At this moment, the only thing she expects is that that person will love her sister wholeheartedly, he will put her first in his whole life, and he will always think of my sister forever.

It's just that An Xin at this moment has never thought that An Qiao is indeed suffering first and then sweetness, but at this moment her suffering has never passed, because in the future, she will usher in not a good marriage, but a bad marriage.

At that time, An Xin had the idea of ​​wanting to kill the man. Of course, all of this is for later, but at this moment, when An Xin heard what An Xin said, she pondered for a while, and then nodded.The hearts of parents all over the world, and even An's at this moment is the same. Her only hope at this moment is that An Xin's three siblings can live a good life, and hope that their future lives will not be like her own.

It was only many years later that Anshi discovered that the emotional paths of these three children were bumpy. One was like this and the other was like this. Beloved person.

And An Xin was even more so. Even when they got married, there were twists and turns. At that time, An Shi wondered if all of this was her fault. Her marriage was not happy, but it also affected her children.

"Okay, then my sister will wait for her to find her," An Qiao smiled, and then said to An Xin dotingly, at this moment she didn't believe that there really was such a person in the world.

Having said that, she is no longer expecting at this moment, expecting that unrealistic idea, and the only wish in her heart at this moment is to be with her family for the rest of her life.

Watching them grow up, watching them get married and have children, watching them grow old step by step, and then die silently at the age of seventy, but life at that time was also very happy for her.

"Don't worry, I will find it for my sister," An Xin said to An Qiao's eyes. At that moment, An Qiao saw An Xin's determination, and she subconsciously believed An Xin's words.

Perhaps it was because An Xin's gaze was too determined, at this moment, An Qiao subconsciously chose to believe in An Xin, and once again had expectations for the future.

Soon An Qiao and An Xin chatted for a while, what kind of man An Qiao likes?Then he came up with a model so that she could find it for An Qiao according to the model.

At this moment, when An's heard what An Xin and An Qiao said, she immediately shook her head, as long as the two sisters could, she would find her husband and talk about it.

But at this moment, it was useless for her to scold her, and after chatting with An Qiao and An Xin for a while, it was clearly noon, and soon An Qiao and An Shi went to cook.

(End of this chapter)

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