pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 247 The highest level of shamelessness

Chapter 247 The highest level of shamelessness (8)
And after Jun Hua looked at An's immediately, he said again, "Girl, maybe you don't know that if the blueprints you draw flow into the Mu family's house, they will be worth a thousand gold. After all, every furniture shop , must have a new style, if a store has not released a new style for many years, it means that the store will eventually close down, and at this moment, if the blueprint in your hand falls into the hands of a store that is about to close down, it will be a good medicine for bringing the dead back to life. Now girl, you should know what I mean? And where is this source of wealth? "

And when An Xin heard Jun Hua's words, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes. To be honest, she really didn't expect such a result at the beginning.

At the beginning, she was only thinking about making furniture, but she forgot about it. Indeed, the furniture blueprints in her hands at this moment are indeed a good way to make money. In addition, she is not short of anything at the moment, but the most short of money up.

"But Master Junhua, why don't you keep this blueprint?" After taking a sip of tea, An Xin said to Junhua. The man in front of him is an absolute businessman. for money.

"Girl, you can chew as much as you want. You should understand this. I have never been in the carpenter industry since I was a child. If I enter it rashly, the final result will only be nothing. Even if I can really make money, then It’s too troublesome. After all, to open a furniture store, you first need to find a master with good craftsmanship, and secondly, you need to contact the wood shop. And whether it’s the choice of wood or other aspects, there are certain requirements, so when I will After understanding all this, I believe that I have already made a lot of money by using those time to do business I am familiar with, so there is no need for me to waste it at all, "

Although the drawing in An Xin's hands is very tempting, Jun Hua has never been tempted, seeing that he is not familiar with this industry, if he enters rashly, he will probably be at this moment, and he has no time to waste anywhere.

And when An Xin heard Jun Hua's words, she didn't say anything. In fact, An Xin was a little worried at the beginning, whether Jun Hua wanted to open a furniture store by herself.

But at this moment, it seems that I am worrying too much. In fact, who said that the ancients are not as good as the moderns?

In her opinion, the wisdom of the ancients is far higher than that of modern people. After all, the so-called modern people are not people who condense the wisdom of the ancients.

Then Jun Hua told An Xin how to blackmail, and after telling An Xin all this, a sneer flashed in Jun Hua's eyes.

Shuheng, Shuheng, if you dare to trick me, today I will let you taste the fate of being tricked, and at this moment, Shuheng, who is thousands of miles away, suddenly felt shabby, it was so cold.

As long as Junhua thinks of Shuheng's face, the smile in Junhua's eyes becomes more and more intense. At this moment, he really wants to see Shuheng who has been cheated by Anxin.

And after discussing the deceitful things, Jun Hua came back again. Today, when he came to find the key point of An Xin, An Youcai who was at the side at the moment, swallowed when he heard the conversation between An Xin and Jun Hua.

At this moment, he mourned a few words of silence for Shuheng who had never met before, and he didn't know how Shuheng offended Junhua?Actually let Junhua think of this way to punish him.

In the beginning, Shuheng could get the things easily, but now because of Junhua's words, he spent a lot of money to get the things in An Xin's hands.

And in the future, he gave away dozens of sets of furniture to An Xin for free. At that time, Shu Heng heard that when An Xin said that the idea was from Jun Hua, he was immediately vomited blood, and the hatred between him and Jun Hua increased. a sum.

(End of this chapter)

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