pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 260 An Family's 3 Mothers Miscarriage

Chapter 260 The third mother of the An family had a miscarriage (12)
"Okay, I'll give you a bill now, you go to get the medicine, and during this period, I will let her work," the doctor collected the money and left, although she sympathized with An Jia Sanniang, but But he also knew that he couldn't control it at all.

What's more, other people's natal families don't care, what can he say as an outsider?The only thing he hopes at this moment is that Anjia Sanniang's life will be easier in the future.

It's just that the doctor didn't know that just as soon as he walked on the back, Mrs. An went crazy, pulled the third mother of the An family out of the bed, and fell hard to the ground.

At this moment, even if the An family's third mother was sleeping like a pig, she would be woken up by that blow. When the An family's third mother saw the distorted resentment of the old lady An, she took a step back in fright, but at this moment, the old lady An didn't know where she was. Definitely let An Jia San Niang go.

"Give back my grandson, you bastard, give me back my grandson, bastard," he said, grabbing An Jia Sanniang's hair, and growling resentfully, thinking that he had never even seen her face before. Grandson of the An family, Mrs. An wanted to kill the third mother of the An family.

When the third lady of the An family heard Mrs. An's words, her head thumped, and she almost fainted. It turned out that what happened just now was true. At first she always thought it was a dream, but she didn't expect it to be true. of.

When thinking of her child who died before it was born, the third mother of the An family burst into tears. Her poor child, the child who died before it came to this world.

"You still have the face to cry, you cruel woman, did you kill the old man and my grandson on purpose?" An Fu, who was on the side, immediately said angrily when he saw An's third mother crying, and sat on the stool with a The cane hit Anjia Sanniang with a stick.

"Mother is her. She did this on purpose. She killed my nephew on purpose. Mother, you beat her to death. I don't have such a cruel sister-in-law." When An Baozhu, who was on the side, heard what An Fu and Mrs. An said, Hastily echoed.

After all, at this moment, she has not forgotten what she did to the third wife of the An family just now. Just now, she and her mother beat their third sister-in-law. At this moment, An Baozhu thought, could it be because of those few blows that the child was lost? .

So at this moment, in order to cover up her crimes, An Baozhu pushed all of this on the victim An Jia San Niang, and when the An Jia Aunt saw that the old lady An beat An Jia San Niang, she immediately felt all over. I got chills.

After all, she has the same status as the third mother of the An family at this moment, and she thought at this moment, if she lost her child, then Mrs. An and her father-in-law would probably treat her like this, right?
At this moment, Mrs. An's family felt sad, especially when she saw Mrs. An's cruelty, she couldn't help taking a step back. After all, the third lady of An's family had just lost her child. If the beating continued, I'm afraid It will really die.

"Ah,,, what right do you have to hit me? Enough is enough, I've had enough, I've had enough of you bastards," and at this moment, San Niang of the An family suddenly went crazy, with a touch of madness on her face, It's just that the eyes kept streaming down.

"You guys are enough. It's obvious that you, a black-hearted old witch, beat me and made me lose my child, but you still have the face to say that I don't want to live anyway. Even if I die, I will hold you, and I will die." pull you, "

As he spoke, he picked up the scissors from the side, and then threw himself at the sharp scissors of Mrs. An, and pressed them against Mrs. An's neck. Seeing this, Mrs. An was immediately frightened and dared not mess around. Move half a point.

"San Niang, calm down, don't be impulsive, San Niang, you must be calm, just now you are a mother, I was joking with you, San Niang, calm down," at this moment, Mrs. An was so scared that the whole person was trembling, with a look of fear on her face. road.

(End of this chapter)

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