pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 262 An Family's 3 Mothers Miscarriage

Chapter 262 The third mother of the An family had a miscarriage (14)
She doesn't want to die yet, she hasn't lived enough, if she dies now, wouldn't it be a loss, "Three, think about Youbao, think about him, he is still a child, how can you bear to leave him behind?"

At this moment, Mrs. An can only get An Youbao out. After all, the only person who can calm An's third mother at this moment is probably this son.

Sure enough, when the third lady of the An family heard An Youbao's name, a softness flashed in her eyes, but she went crazy again in the next second, "It's not that I don't want him, it's that you don't want him for me, I'm the I won't let you off, it's wrong for Youbao to treat me as a mother, but he will understand in the future, all of this was forced out by you, don't worry, I will kill you all, so that Youbao won't be bullied again ,"

Although An Youbao's name could bring back Sanniang An's sanity for a moment, but Sanniang An went crazy again in the next second.

Although she was worried about An Youbao at this moment, the hatred in her heart pulled her even more. There was a voice in her heart telling her, kill them all, then everything would be better. them.

"Go to hell," said the third lady of the An family, then raised the scissors, and then stabbed fiercely under the terrified gaze of old lady An, but a voice stopped her in the next second.

"Mother, what are you doing? What are you doing to kill grandma, mother, don't be so afraid of Youbao, mother, don't be so afraid of Youbao," soon a small figure ran in, seeing An Jia Sanniang at this moment He looked so frightened that he burst into tears.

"Third Aunt, don't be impulsive. Do you want to kill his own grandmother in front of Youbao? Third Sister-in-Law has something to say," and the person who came in with An Youbao at this moment was An Baozhu.

In fact, when An Baozhu ran away, she thought about it later, thinking that she just ran away like this. If her mother really died at the hands of that crazy woman, the third sister-in-law, who would help her then? busy.

Thinking of this, An Baozhu became restless, and at this moment, he saw An Youbao's return, so he hurriedly dragged An Youbao here.

"Wuwu,,, mother, don't be like this, Youbao is so scared, mother, please don't be like this, woo..." At this moment, An Youbao was crying desolately, and the An family's third mother, who was watching, was heartbroken. Tangled up.

"Mother, please let grandma go, mother, please don't do this," An Youbao burst into tears holding the third mother of the An family at this moment, and when the people around saw this, they all looked nervous, I'm afraid that even An Youbao's persuasion won't help.

"Ah,,, mother doesn't want to do this, they forced me, there is a baby, mother, mother, it's hard work, mother is really hard, why do they treat me like this? Wu Youbao, "

Under An Youbao's crying, San Niang of the An family put down the scissors in her hand, hugged An Youbao, and then the mother and son burst into tears.

And when An Jia Dalang saw this, he quickly fished old lady an out, but at this moment, old lady an's face was distorted, as if she was about to pounce on her in the next second.

"Bitch, you dare to kill me, let's see if I don't kill you," the old lady An immediately showed her claws as soon as she escaped from the clutches, but An Fu scolded her the next second.

"Old woman, you still want to die. Didn't you see that Sanniang is already crazy? If you go up now, I'll see if she doesn't stab you to death with scissors in the next second," An Fu saw that old lady An was stupid again, so he said Hate iron but not steel.

Why is his wife so stupid?He escaped just now but now wants to send it to his door. At this moment, even he dare not mess with the An family's third mother. He is a kind old lady.

(End of this chapter)

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