pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 266 An Baozhu's Success Part 2

Chapter 266 An Baozhu's Success Second Watch (3)
Speaking of An Qiao at this moment, it seemed as if she had really become her daughter-in-law, but there was still a bit of contempt in her eyes, because in her eyes, her son was not suitable for this kind of country girl.

But there is no other way now, so I will marry first, and when my son goes to high school in the future, I can change it. After all, didn't An Youwei do the same, so why can't my son?

"I don't want to take care of this matter, mother, you can handle it yourself, but when mother retires, don't let the people of the An family get involved. When others go to An Qiao's house to propose marriage, there will still be troubles," Li Xiucai heard her mother When he spoke, he nodded.

After all, he didn't have much feelings for An Hua. He married her at first because she had a third uncle who was a fast catcher and a second uncle who was a high-ranking official. Will not waste time on An Hua.

It's just that Li Xiucai at this moment is also aware of An's family's temperament. If he resigned rashly this time, he might not withdraw so easily. When he thought of this, Li Xiucai's eyes flashed with disgust.

It was the dislike of the An family's people, especially when thinking of the greedy faces of the An family, Li Xiucai immediately felt that he had really wronged himself by being the son-in-law of their family.

At this moment, when An Qiao just walked in, she felt a few gazes. When she looked over, she saw Li Xiucai smiling at her. When she saw the smile, the smile on An Qiao's face disappeared. , and quickly turned around and walked away.

And when Li Xiucai saw An Qiao looking at him, he smiled at An Qiao, but the next second he saw An Qiao turned his head and left, and when he saw An Qiao leave, Li Xiucai didn't angry.

After all, when he saw An Qiao's temper at this moment, she immediately felt it was funny. In fact, An Qiao like this was quite cute, and Li Xiucai thought so at the moment.

He thought that the reason why An Qiao turned her head just now was because she was blaming herself for retiring the engagement and for abandoning her ruthlessly.That's why An Qiao looked indifferent when he saw him at this moment.

Thinking of this, Li Xiucai lost all anger at An Qiao's behavior just now. After all, An Qiao was blaming herself at the moment, which meant she had herself in her heart, so the marriage proposal this time was naturally easy to grasp.

If An Qiao knew what was going on in his heart at this moment, An Qiao would definitely tell him that he was being affectionate, that he really complied with An Xin's everything, a shameless man is invincible, but a humble man is invincible.

"What's wrong with sister?" An Xin asked suspiciously when she saw that An Qiao's face was a little ugly, and soon followed the place where An Qiao walked over just now, and saw Li Xiucai at a glance.

And when she saw Li Xiucai, An Xin's eyes flashed a cold light, especially when she saw Li Xiucai's eyes looking at An Qiao, a burst of anger suddenly arose in her heart. Who is it?
When he wanted to throw it away, he threw it away like a rag, but when he saw An Qiao at this moment, he looked at An Qiao with the eyes of his own belongings. This person really thought he was an onion.

"Xin'er has nothing to do, he can watch as much as he likes, anyway, I was just playing with him, just like Xin'er you said, if a dog bites you, why don't you bite back?" Seeing An Xin's unkind expression, An Qiao quickly comforted her.

She didn't have the slightest affection for Li Xiucai's family, but at the moment she didn't want to worry An Xin because of Li Xiucai's family, after all these days.

(End of this chapter)

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