pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 273 An Baozhu's Success Part 2

Chapter 273 An Baozhu's Success Second Watch (10)
"Qiaoer, are you blaming me? I didn't want you back then. Qiaoer, you have to think about it. At that time, it was my mother who forced me. Qiaoer, please listen to my explanation." It was An Qiao and Li Xiucai.

And the reason why An Qiao is here at this moment is because when she saw that An Xin hadn't returned for a long time, she was a little worried, so she was going to find An Xin, but she was stopped by Li Xiucai unexpectedly.

And when Li Xiucai stopped her, he said something to her, saying that he thought that he didn't want him because he had no choice but to marry An Hua because of circumstances.

At the end, he even said something that made An Qiao feel disgusted. What does it mean that he only wants to marry himself?

As soon as An Qiao heard this, he immediately felt like cursing. Who said it when he divorced?Who said that a rude woman who said she had no talent or virtue was not worthy of being his wife at all?Even if a woman like her is a concubine, he would despise her.

But at this moment, he still has the face to play the role of a great lover here, with a look of deep affection, who is this disgusting? "Mr. Li, please respect yourself. I don't know you very well. You don't want to ruin my reputation. The little girl's best friend is called by the little girl's mother. Please stop calling me like that."

Although An Qiao was disgusted with Li Xiucai, she still said softly, but there was already a touch of anger on her face. After all, An Qiao was also a human being, and she would get angry and angry.

Especially when thinking about what Li Xiucai said when she divorced that day, An Qiao's heart suddenly suffocated. If she hadn't been taught to be self-cultivated since she was a child, she would have yelled at her in the morning.

"An Qiao, don't be shameless. I've explained it to you. It was my mother's idea to propose marriage to An Hua that day. Don't make trouble for no reason, okay? I've already apologized to you, and you should too. I'll take it as soon as it's good," Li Xiucai was very dissatisfied with An Qiao's attitude at the moment.

Especially when he saw An Qiao's disgusted eyes, Li Xiucai felt angry in his heart. He didn't like vexatious women very much. Now that he had put down his figure, she still accepted her.

For Anqiao Li Xiucai at the moment, he must educate him well after he gets married next year, otherwise he will only be the one who loses face.

"Ha, I'm shameless?" When An Qiao heard Li Xiucai's words, he suddenly laughed out of anger. Who does this person really think he is?According to Xin Xin'er, is this person the kind of peacock who spreads his tail and feels good about himself?

"I don't know you well, Li Xiucai, so you don't need to explain to me at all. I'm talking about it. I have already retired. I don't mean to blame you at all, and I never hate you. On the contrary, I will Thank you for retiring the marriage, so please Li Xiucai, please respect yourself and stop talking about unnecessary things. As the saying goes, a gentleman does something but not, so I hope Li Xiucai will not disturb my life, you Who will I marry in the future? It has nothing to do with me at all,"

Don't think that An Qiao is weak and weak at other times, but during this period, after being with An Xin for a long time, he has acquired a bit of An Xin's temperament, especially for people like Li Xiucai, An Qiao is disgusted like a dog shit.

"You..." Upon hearing An Qiao's words, Li Xiucai's face immediately turned blue, "Okay, I can see you clearly now, you are greedy for vanity and lowly, have you found a better person at this moment? After that, you want to abandon me? Anqiao, let me tell you, don’t even think about it, don’t you want to seduce that man? Then I will tell you right now, if I yell right now, do you think that man will still like you? ? Do you think you can still get married? Anqiao, you forced me to do all of this. I was talking to you in a nice voice, but you are putting on airs when I apologize, so don't blame me for being ruthless, "

(End of this chapter)

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