pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 278 A Counterattack

Chapter 278 A Counterattack (2)
As soon as An Baozhu Junhua was mentioned, his face became a bit colder, but when he looked at An Hua, there was a bit of gloom in his eyes. He had always been disgusted with women who pestered her endlessly.

"But maybe you don't even know An Xin. Compared to your sister-in-law, this girl is smarter. Do you know that when the child said you were looking for me at first, I was a little skeptical, but I still planned to go Meet, but when I was about to arrive, it was this girl who stopped me, even at this moment I am curious, what is this girl thinking?"

And when An Xin heard Jun Hua's words, she looked at An Hua with a somewhat complicated gaze. This is really a praying mantis catching cicadas and orioles behind her. I'm afraid An Baozhu would never have imagined that the person who destroyed her plan would be An flower.

Seeing that An Hua is usually honest and honest, but who would have thought that she would be the one who stabbed the knife in the end?In fact, don't say that An Baozhu didn't know, even at this moment, she couldn't imagine that An Hua would become a key person.

"Anxin, I have now discovered that some of your Anjia people are actually not stupid, they are just stupid because they are clever. Do you know that what I hate most in my life is when others plot against me, but at this moment, Anjia keeps repeating the same thing again and again." San's calculations against me, whether it's An Baozhu or the girl in front of me, both annoy me the same, but compared to An Baozhu, I have to say that this girl is more capable than her, at least she chose Be kind to me, but I still don't like it,"

Hearing Junhua's words, An Xin naturally knew that Junhua was really angry, and he was not just angry, "Don't worry, I will give you an explanation, give me some time, next time I will clean up all these people ,"

Facing Junhua's anger, An Xin promised that she knew that Jun Hua was always smiling, even though he was always joking and joking, but An Xin knew that this person was extremely arrogant.

How could he tolerate other people plotting against him? In the beginning, An Baozhu plotted against him. Maybe Junhua didn't care about her because of his own face, but this time An Baozhu went too far. Although An Baozhu didn't succeed, he still provoked Angry this arrogant him.

And when Junhua heard An Xin's words, he smiled, "Then I'll wait for you." He has never been a kind person, but today An Baozhu wants to drug himself, which he absolutely cannot bear .

Although An Baozhu's tricks were not enough for him, but she violated his bottom line and provoked his majesty again and again.

If he is letting it go, then in the future, no one will try to violate his bottom line just like An Baozhu.

"Don't worry, even if you don't tell me, I will deal with the people of the An family as soon as possible. After all, I hate them too. I want to live a good year in peace and happiness," An Xin looked at the ancestral hall with a dark smile cold.

Of course, she won't let those people in An's family let go, not to mention that they have angered Junhua at this moment, so she has to deal with it quickly. When she got a reassuring answer, Junhua's eyes also had a faint light, and it was very easy. He quickly looked around the room with a smile.

"There will be a good show to watch in a while, I don't know if you plan to participate in it yourself, or watch it from the sidelines?" At this moment, Junhua suddenly showed a smile, and when An Xin heard it, she was taken aback for a moment, Soon he also smiled.

"It's better to watch the theater on the side for this kind of thing. I'm talking about getting involved, but it's better than watching the theater next door." Soon An Xin heard footsteps not far away. When she heard the footsteps, she naturally knew Junhua What kind of play are you watching?
(End of this chapter)

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