pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 317 Save Her or Hurt Her

Chapter 317 Save Her or Hurt Her (4)
Looking at the blazing fire and seeing that reassuring smile, at this moment she is like an evil ghost crawling out of the fire light, reflected in the fire light, the eyes of Abyss are like the messenger of ecstasy, let Li Dashu was shocked.

Why didn't Li Dashu think of it at this moment?An Xin actually played cards so unreasonably, one moment she would have cared so much about the bellyband, but the next second she could fight against it without any scruples.

"Come on,..." Soon Li Dashu shouted loudly to the outside of the gate. At this moment, Li Dashu knew that if he stayed here, he would definitely die.

No, he can't die yet, he still has a lot of things to go, he still has to go to the capital to enjoy the glory and wealth, he went to the capital to ask his father why he faked his death and left home when he was young.

It's just that Li Dashu yelled out his voice just now, but An Xin kicked him in the next second, and soon there was a huge pain from his lower body, making Li Dashu cover his lower body.

And the wound also oozes blood at that moment this time, causing Li Dashu to kneel on the ground with a puff, while the blood on his arm dripped onto the ground bit by bit.

"You cheap girl?" The huge pain under his body made Li Dashu twisted immediately, and the fire in the room was getting more and more intense at the moment, and it was winter, so many things were ignited in an instant up.

"You just wait here to die slowly, Li Dashu I will teach you a lesson for free today, not everyone can offend you, but if you offend the wrong person, the price is your life, and the price you have to pay at this moment, It is the life of you and your mother,"

After saying that, she was about to leave. When she killed Aunt Qiao for the first time, An Xin still had lingering fears, but when she saw An Tietian die for the second time, she was much calmer.

And the third time he did it by himself, it had already become a common thing. At this moment, there was a smile on the corner of An Xin's mouth, whether it was a familiarity once.

Just when An Xin was leaving, Li Dashu yelled in the next second, "An Xin, you can't kill me, do you know who I am? Let me tell you, my father is a high-ranking official in the capital, and he will come back sooner or later." Look at me, if you kill me, my father will definitely not let your family go, "

Li Dashu covered his lower body and said, "Let me tell you, everyone in the village thinks my father is dead, but it's not. My father is a high-ranking official in the capital just like your father, but my father is someone else's son-in-law." , and my father hasn't had a son for so many years, just me, and my father wrote a letter a few days ago, saying that he will come to pick me up and return to Beijing in a year or two, so if you move me today , you will die badly,"

In fact, Li Dashu's father became the son-in-law of an official lady in the capital by accident more than ten years ago, but it's a pity that the official lady didn't live up to her expectations and never had a boy.

After all, there are three unfilial sons who have no descendants. Li Dashu's father was naturally anxious when he saw that he had no sons, but at this time he remembered that he still had a son in Pingxiang Village.

So they secretly sent a letter back a few days ago to confirm the existence of Li Dashu, and then arranged everything to take Li Dashu back to the capital, so at this moment Widow Li and Li Dashu only knew that their father and husband were not dead.

"Thank you very much, thank you for telling me so much," An Xin smiled when she heard Li Dashu's words. At this moment, she really wanted to thank Li Dashu for telling her all this.

(End of this chapter)

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