pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 324 Small Words, Deep Love 2

Chapter 324 Small Words and Deep Love (1)
"Sister An Xin, where are we going? Yaya is scared," the little Yaya felt a little scared when she was hugged by An Xin, especially when she saw the eyes around her.

At this moment, she noticed that the uncles and uncles around her were looking at her strangely. It was no longer the same as before. The eyes of the uncles and uncles made her very happy, but at this moment, the eyes of those people made her very scared.

"Sister An Xin, will mother and father come back? They won't want Yaya, right?" Although Yaya is only four and a half years old, she still vaguely feels that her parents are saying goodbye to her just now.

"Don't worry, the little girl will be back soon," An Xin rubbed the little girl's head and said, this time she must first figure out, who did this thing?

Although An Xin felt very complicated about Dr. Li's death, no matter what he was thinking at the moment?This time she did not allow others to manipulate her.

"Well, Yaya believes in my sister," Yaya murmured while hugging An Xin, and soon An Xin found that Yaya had already fallen asleep unknowingly, and when An Xin saw this, she touched Yaya's baby. head, and walked home.

When walking home, Anshi was cooking on the sidelines, but when she saw the child in An Xin's arms, she was startled, "Erya, why did you get it back?"

Who doesn't know the little granddaughter of Dr. Li's family in the whole Ping Village?It's just that the little granddaughter who is usually lovable now has become a bad luck that everyone in Pingcun can't avoid.

"Mother, Brother Li and Sister-in-law Li went to the county government, and they may come back after a while, so Yaya followed me during this period, mother, don't worry, Yaya is very cute, you will like it ," An Xin sighed when she saw An Shi's gaze.

At this moment, An Shi looked at Yaya's disapproving eyes, how could An Xin not know?It's just that the child really didn't do anything wrong, why should the adult make a mistake and implicate the child?
At this moment, Yaya is only four and a half years old, but everyone in the village regards her as a plague god. This is a great harm to a little baby.

It is a matter of the previous generation that the father made a mistake, why should the child be implicated?It's just that although An Xin knows it, she can't do anything about it. After all, there are many people in this world with colored glasses.

But although she couldn't change everyone's eyes, she still hoped that her family could give Yaya an equal look, and don't look at Yaya with that strange and disgusting look.

"But Er Ya, Doctor Li, he did that kind of thing..." An Shi said as soon as she heard An Xin's words. After all, this is a felony murder. Now that she is bringing this girl with her, can she just...

"Mother, don't talk about some things. Yaya is still a child," An Xin said as soon as she heard An's words, "Mother, ask yourself, can Dr. Li's family treat us badly? At least when I was sick, it was Li When a doctor sees a doctor, at that time, if you have no money, you will pay on credit first. There are many things that you can't just look at the surface, "

That's right, you can't just look at the surface of many things. She doesn't know if Dr. Li has killed anyone?It's just that she knows better than anyone who killed Widow Li's family, because that person killed herself.

So many things can't be seen on the surface. Who would have thought that her soul would be an adult when she was a teenager?And who would believe that her hands were also stained with blood?
There are many things in this world, if you don't see them with your own eyes, then don't jump to conclusions, blind pursuit of the wind will only kill people, and at this moment, if An's is because of Dr. Li's affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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