pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 331 Small Words, Deep Love 2

Chapter 331 Small Words and Deep Love (8)
When smelling the medicinal smell, An Xin seemed to hear her own heartbeat. How could there be such a strong medicinal smell?What the hell is going on here?
Soon An Xin saw that there were a lot of medicinal materials placed around her, and when An Xin saw this, a wave of fear suddenly arose in her mind, it shouldn't, it wouldn't.

Qin Yihan will be fine, An Xin soon searched around, when no blood was found, An Xin breathed a sigh of relief, the absence of blood meant that he had not been injured and lost his memory, An Xin calmed down.

When she didn't see the remaining blood in the room, An Xin breathed a sigh of relief, but her heart was raised again soon, isn't there often TV dramas?
Most of the people who practiced martial arts died from internal injuries. Thinking of this, An Xin felt a little restless, and quickly checked the medicinal materials, but at the moment she couldn't understand them at all.

She has been in touch with medical skills, but how could her half-baked know so many medicinal materials, when she saw the various medicinal materials on the table at this moment, An Xin suddenly hated herself.

Didn't she tell me to become a ghost doctor? Didn't she tell me to study medicine?But what did you dare to do?
Every time I was delayed by various things, but when I really needed to use it, I could only be in a hurry, thinking about An Xin at this moment, I immediately hated the person who killed Dr. Li.

After all, if Dr. Li is still alive at this moment, then there will be someone who can answer for him. Yes, go to Master Li.

Soon An Xin thought of a person, he thought that Master Li also had some skill at hand, he wondered if he would go to him, would he know what these medicinal materials were for?
Soon An Xin rushed to the construction site, but Master Li who was directing everyone on the construction site at the moment suddenly saw An Xin running over in a hurry, and looked anxiously at that face.

At this moment, An Xin can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, after all, she doesn't know where Qin Yihan is?At least he should first understand what is the benefit of what he eats.

"Ms. An, come there. As soon as Master Li saw An Xin, he hurried over and said, "Is something wrong?You talk to Uncle Li, "

Seeing An Xin's anxious expression, Master Li guessed a little bit, maybe something happened at home again?

"No, Uncle Li, I have something to ask you, you come with me." At this moment, An Xin didn't need to explain to Master Li, but hurriedly pulled Master Li to run.

At this moment, she is eager to know, what are those medicinal materials for?Why did Qin Yihan have those medicinal materials, and why there was a strong medicinal smell in that room.

She didn't believe that such a strong smell of medicine would be formed in a day or two. I'm afraid she had taken those medicines for a long time, but why didn't she find half of them?
Why didn't I notice his abnormality when we met last time?Why don't you put down your dignity and ask questions?
At this moment, An Xin hated that bit of self-esteem. If she asked Qin Yihan that day, would Qin Yihan tell him?Even if you don't say it, you won't feel regret at this moment.

"Girl An, please walk slowly, don't fall down." When he saw An Xin running ahead, Master Li was a little worried, what happened to this little girl?
"Girl An, please tell me first, what happened, don't worry, Uncle Li will help, don't worry, "Master Li grabbed An Xin's hand, this girl is probably in a hurry Yes, it's just that it's not good.

(End of this chapter)

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