pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 388: An Xin’s Wrath

Chapter 388: An Xin’s Wrath (8)
An Xin approached Li Shidao, and said to Li Shi in a voice that only the two of them could hear, and when Li Shi heard An Xin's words, she immediately knelt on the ground, her face turned pale with fright.

At that moment just now, she seemed to be entangled by something, and she couldn't breathe. At that moment, she was thinking whether she would be killed in the next second.

And when An Xin saw Li Shi's appearance, she didn't pay any attention to it, but walked back to her room directly. At this moment, Li Shi was too aggressive.

It's just that An Xin can't touch her. After all, Li's family is different from An's family. An's family can't say a word when An's words are moved by herself. After all, An's family is just her husband's family.

When adding what An Youwei did, An's completely hated An's family, so even if An Xin moved An's family at this moment, An's would not make trouble with herself because of her.

It's just that the Li Shi in front of him is different. According to Li Shi, she is An Shi's mother. If he touches her, An Xin might really die. After all, An Xin doesn't want to go any further.

She didn't want An Youcai and An Qiao to break with her mother as thoroughly as she did because of her alone.

What's more, just now, when An Youcai kept silent, An Xin already knew about An Youcai. It's not that he didn't want to talk about An Youcai, but he just didn't dare to.

Because he was afraid that when he said something, there was no way to turn back everything in front of him. After all, he still hoped to live happily with his mother, and hoped that the family of four could go back to the past.

An Youcai is different from An Xin, if An Xin is making troubles at the moment, it's just disappointment at most, but An Youcai is distressed, An Xin doesn't care how An's making troubles, that's because An's making troubles and let her go.

When the most entanglement in her heart is gone, she will abandon An Shi without hesitation at that time, and the corners of An Xin's mouth are slightly raised. In fact, her heart is really not ordinary indifference.

It's just indifference, she has been like this since her previous life, if a person can only bring harm, then what's the use of keeping it.

She admits that she is selfish and afraid of being hurt by others, so when she is hurt, she will subconsciously close the window in her heart, and once the window is closed tightly, the friendship between her and An Shi will be broken.

It's just that An Youcai is different, An Youcai can't be as free and easy as An Xin, he can cut off the bond between himself and An's at any time, because even if An Xin has a body, he is not himself after all.

But An Youcai is different, An's is heaven to him, his mother is the mother who gave birth to and raised him in this world, and is not an existence that can be discarded casually.

That's why he didn't dare to stop talking, for fear that after saying those angry words, there would be no way to turn back.

An Qiao looked at all the farce in front of her, and she was crying in vain. She didn't know why it happened like this?Why would a good home become like this?

Obviously it was fine yesterday, why did everything change today?My mother has changed, my heart has changed, even my talents have changed, and my whole family has changed.

Mother has become a little unreasonable, An Xin has become more and more indifferent, An Youcai's eyes are filled with endless disappointment and coldness, the whole family is like strangers at this moment, which makes her feel panic .

When An Qiao looked at the house at this moment, the tears left in her eyes, she wanted to ask mother, is this what you want?Is this the home you want, a home centered on you?
(End of this chapter)

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