pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 401 Returning from a Serious Injury

Chapter 401 Returning from a Serious Injury (1)
"What about us? 100 taels of silver, do you want to break it or keep it? If you break it, you can take the money and leave, but if you keep it, you don't have a penny." When Mrs. Li heard An Xin's words, she only thought about the deal. Is it a loss or a gain?

After all, it was 100 taels of silver, money she had never seen in her entire life. Last time, she finally bought An Qiao, An Youcai and others, and got 70 taels of silver, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye. I was angry for a while.

But at this moment, she got 100 taels of silver for nothing, as long as she doesn't have sex with the big girl, this business is not at a loss, but she thinks the 100 taels are too little.

At the moment, An Shi who was standing aside shook off An Qiao's hand and said, "Are you trying to force my mother to death? Do you want my mother to die? Is she my mother? How can you do this, Erya?"

At this moment, Anshi's voice was a bit sad, and the hoarse voice made people feel a little unbearable, how could she not think of it?His own daughter would do so unfeelingly.

After hearing An Qiao's words, An Xin frowned slightly and said, "Mother, are you trying to force me to death?" If the kisses continue today, no one will know who will die tomorrow? "Mum, I didn't intend to force anyone to death, and at this moment I didn't force grandma and the others. If they really love you, mother, then 100 taels of silver would not be a bit of temptation to them, so I never forced anyone? If you talk about coercion, I'm afraid they were the ones who coerced them first, mother, please see the facts clearly."

Her heart was really cold enough. When she saw her mother crying desperately, she just couldn't bear it for a moment, but in the next moment, she felt cold. This time, she decided on this relative.

Indeed, she also knew that what she had done made An's heart broken and made An's lose face, but at this moment she couldn't care less, she had to take good care of An Qiao and An Youcai.

If you let Li Shi and others continue to make trouble, who knows that An Qiao and An You will not be implicated. She has already lost a mother, so she has to protect her elder sister and younger brother, because this grandma is simply uneasy and kind-hearted. of.

She didn't just want money. She came to kill their family. Was there a grandmother who instigated her daughter to break up with her granddaughter?No she is the only one of this extreme.

So if An Xin is staying at home with Li Shi at this moment, she is really afraid that one day when she is not at home, what An Xin will do under Li Shi's instigation?Then it is too late.

It's not that she doesn't believe in An Shi, but that An Shi has been provoked at this moment, and she has become like this in just one day. The ones are going to be scattered.

"Mother won't want me, they won't sign, they won't," Hearing An Xin's words, An Shi murmured, her whole body was like a puppet that had lost its soul, and An Qiao who was watching was crying stand up.

It's just that she knows that An Xin is determined this time. If there is no incident yesterday, she knows that An Xin will endure it. Will Li and the others have common sense? It's just that after Li Damei destroyed the medical book in her hand yesterday, she will not bear it anymore. up.

Everyone has a bottom line, and An Xin also has a bottom line. In the beginning, Li Shi and the others won't make trouble, it's because of An Shi's face, but how long can this face last?
She is also human and has anger in her heart, especially after Li Damei destroyed the only thing, An Xin was so angry that she wanted to kill someone.

If the person who moved her things at this moment was someone else, An Xin might have killed her early in the morning, but this time it was Li's An's mother, so An Xin endured the killing intent and broke off the relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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