pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 420 Are You Still My Mother

Chapter 420 Are You Still My Mother (8)
And when An Xin walked into the room, seeing Qin Yihan's pale expression, a faint light flashed in his eyes, and the little girl who was at the side at the moment came over.

Seeing An Xin's expression and feeling a little unhappy, he said, "Sister An Xin, are you worried about this big brother?"

The little girl is very well-behaved, when Qin Yihan came today, when she saw that everyone was busy, she left in a sensible way, not to disturb An Xin, because she knew that An Xin was doing something, and she could not hinder her.

"It's okay, the doctor said, brother Yihan will be fine soon, little girl is so cute one day, sister is taking you into the city another day, and is going to see little girl, are your father and mother alright?" Although Qin Yihan was timid in his heart , but An Xin never showed it.

It's just that An Xin is very puzzled, how did Qin Yihan get poisoned?And why didn't the ghost doctor help detoxify?Could it be that the poison has really reached the point where even the ghost doctor is helpless?
As soon as she heard that she could see her parents in the future, the little girl became joyful, with a bright red face, she smiled happily, "Well, the little girl wants to see her father and mother," and said An Xin kissed her on the cheek.

And when An Xin saw this, she hugged the little girl and walked around. In fact, this child is sometimes a pistachio. She is very cute and sensible, so sensible that people can't help but hold her in the palm of their hand and love her dearly. .

"Sister, you said Brother Yihan, when will he wake up?" When he saw An Xindou's little girl, An Youcai curled his lips. The little liar knew how to lie to his sister, and he would never admit that he was jealous up.

"I don't know about that either." After hearing An Youcai's words, An Xin put down the little girl and walked over and said, just looking at Qin Yihan's eyes, but involuntarily softened a lot, "But he spent so much time on me. A lot of money, if you don't wake up, then I'm too sorry, "

It is true that Qin Yihan spent so much money on himself today, if he has been in a coma all this time, wouldn't it be too much for him, so Qin Yihan must wake her up.

"Well," An Yatou nodded, "Then I will meet Brother Yihan and continue to teach me kung fu. I am very good now, and I can fight two with one. Then Li Silang is not my opponent at all. When I’m learning today, I won’t be afraid of anyone when I’m around.”

An Youcai felt happy when he thought of beating up Li Silang one day, so at this moment he thought, when Qin Yihan woke up, he would learn more and teach those people a lesson.

Hearing An Youcai's words, An Xin nodded with a smile, "It's fine for you to teach others a lesson, but my sister forbids you to cause trouble first. If someone beats you first and bullies you, you have to bully you back. My sister absolutely supports it, but there is something wrong with you." Sister Cai doesn’t want it, but you bully those who are weaker than you, and bullying weaker people will make others hate you, you know that?”

She has no objection to An Youcai learning martial arts, and she also agrees with him learning martial arts to teach others, but if he learns martial arts to bully others, then this is absolutely not acceptable. Although she is not a good person, she does not want her relatives to be a person who bullies the weak and fears the hard. .

And when An Youcai heard An Xin's words, she nodded, "Well, sister, I know, I won't take the initiative to bully others in the future, don't worry, Youcai also hates those who often bully others,"

As if to make his words more convincing, An Youcai stood up and said, and when An Xin saw this, he laughed, this kid.

Just when I laughed, I heard the noise outside, it was An Shi and An Qiao's quarrel, and after hearing An's and An Qiao's quarrel.

(End of this chapter)

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