pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 427 The ghost doctor is dead

Chapter 427 The ghost doctor is dead (6)
Huh,,, when she thought of her son on the cold ground at this moment, Madam An's heart ached, especially when she saw Mrs. An holding An Youbao with a happy look, she felt so happy. He hated even more.

Mrs. An looked at Old Madam An, and she never stayed in the courtyard again, because she was afraid that she would not be able to bear it anymore and go up to kill An Youbao.

Because she thought, why should her son die?This An Youbao is alive and well, and enjoys everything his son has.

Thinking of all this, Mrs. An's heart seemed to be enveloped by something, and when she returned to the room and looked at her husband, Mrs. An's face became gloomy.

When she thought that after her son's death, the An family lord would have the idea of ​​taking a concubine, the An family aunt immediately wanted to strangle him to death, why?He also has a share in his son, why would his son be raised after his death, while he can happily find a concubine.

Thinking of when An Shitou was just buried, his father-in-law told himself that he had killed his grandson, so now he wanted her to accompany a grandson, so he wanted to take a concubine for his son and marry a girl Come in and spread the leaves.

When the An family aunt at that time heard this, she was stunned by anger. Her son had just buried his front foot in the ground, but the whole family hit his back foot. It was his own fault for killing the stone, so he wanted to find a good sister for him to come in.

As soon as she heard it, Madam An almost wanted to fight with the An family, and then looked at her husband, but what disappointed her most was that her husband agreed, and he had already found him , just less than ten days on the 28th of this month.

Well, this An family is too deceitful. Her son just walked away for a few days, but these people want to find new people to come in. She won't make it easy for the An family. Don't you want to marry Meijiao Niang to come in? Let's see if she doesn't ruin this home.

Now that her son is dead, she has nothing to love in her life, and her husband has a new love, Madam An feels more and more at a disadvantage. Why did they marry after her son died?

When she looked at your husband with a smirk on the bed, Madam An's heart suddenly panicked, thinking about that little vixen?Sure enough, there are not many good men, so damn it.

Seeing other people's happiness and her own pain, Aunt An's heart suddenly felt resentment, and she walked out in a blink of an eye, she was really afraid that she would strangle her husband to death in the next second.

What surprised Mrs. An was that after she turned around and left, she met Sanniang An. When she saw Sanniang An, Mrs. An frowned. But they are sympathetic to each other.

"Did you come to see me for a joke? Thinking that my son died too, and now my husband is getting married again, do you want to see how I die?" As she talked and thought about it, Aunt An groaned. cried out.

She was so pitiful that her son had just died and her husband was about to marry another woman. This was something no woman could bear, and at this moment, when the An family's third wife heard the words of An's aunt, a strange smile flashed in her eyes.

When I thought about going out at night that night, but unexpectedly there was a voice behind me, so I asked myself, "You killed An Shitou!"

It was obviously a question, but it was affirmative from what the man said. When An Jia Sanniang heard what the man said, her blood froze even more, and she immediately wanted to turn her head to see who that man was?
(End of this chapter)

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