pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 447 Meeting Xie Haitian

Chapter 447 Meeting Xie Haitian (5)
In fact, the little girl's clothes were remade with peace of mind, and it was only natural that they would look a little worn out, so at this moment, Ren Yazi was thinking, the young master and the young lady would not want to sell this little girl, poor thing.

"Take me to see people first," An Xin swept around, and then took the hands of Xiao Yaya and An Youcai, but she frowned very quickly. Come, but they all disagree that it seems really troublesome at the moment.

Soon An Xin took out a brocade handkerchief in her hand, and tied the hands of Little Yaya and An Youcai together, "Okay, both of you don't move the rope, when you go back, if any of you I'll buy you delicious food when I follow my sister and haven't left for half a step."

And when the little Douding was tied together, he was still a little unhappy at first, but when he heard An Xin's words that it was delicious, his eyes lit up. After all, it was a child's temptation to delicious food. Can't hold back.

Soon An Xin asked Yazi to take her to see someone, and when An Xin San gave her child, she definitely looked up at An Xin, when she saw An Xin and An Youcai, her eyes widened. There are surprised eyes inside.

After all, there are children who come to this kind of place. In fact, An Xin originally wanted Junhua to find someone for herself, but after thinking about it later, she shook her head after all. She and Junhua owed too much. I feel sorry for troubling others to feel at ease.

After all, when An Xin cooperated with Junhua, both of them had self-knowledge, and An Xin took advantage of this point, although An Xin didn't know that Junhua was more and more making the menu of Yuyuelou in other places. Go, just feel at ease but also know that this has nothing to do with her.

The only thing she knew in front of her was that Junhua had helped her a lot. She was not a heartless white-eyed wolf, so she naturally knew Junhua's help, and also wrote down his kindness bit by bit. It will be repaid.

Soon An Xin looked at the people around, but soon frowned, "Boss, I think I'm an experienced mother,"

After looking at it, An Xin said to Ren Yazi, and when Ren Yazi heard it, she nodded, but her expression was a little surprised, "Miss, don't you want a playmate?"

But he quickly shut up. It looks like he doesn't need a playmate, but an old lady is fine, "I'll go and find the little lady. A few old ladies came here a few days ago, and they are good at everything. "

Soon Ren Yazi went to lead someone, but at this moment An Xin accidentally saw a person, and when she saw that person, she frowned, could it be that she was wrong?
"Raise your head," he said and walked to the person, and when the person heard it, he raised his head, but at this moment the person's eyes were dead silent, and he had already lost the style of the day.

"Xie Haitian?" An Xin was not sure when she saw that person, after all, she saw a young boy in Li Yuanwai's store that day, how could she be here with Ren Yazi?
But when the man heard An Xin's words, he nodded, "My name is Xie Haitian, you,,, Miss, you know me,"

Xie Haitian raised his head and looked at the person in front of him. He was sure that he had never seen this girl before, but how did he know his name?In fact, a few days ago, after I was fired from my job.

When he got home, his mother was seriously ill, and he had no money to see a doctor, so he could only sell himself first. After all, marriage was the only way to get money. Those people he knew had long avoided him like snakes and scorpions. Will lend money to myself.

(End of this chapter)

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