pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 503 Not a daughter but a monster

Chapter 503 Not a daughter but a monster (6)
After speaking, he told Qin Yihan how to remove the stitches, and when Qin Yihan heard it, he held An Xin's hand tightly, and opened his mouth in a hoarse voice, "Xiner, I,,,"

"What's the matter?" An Xin raised her head and looked at Qin Yihan suspiciously and asked, and when Qin Yihan heard it, she shook her head, yes, why bother to explain it.

"It's okay, I just think that in a few years, Xin'er will look even better. At that time, I will be reluctant to let you out," he said, gently stroking An Xin's cheek.

It's just that the strength in his hands is very light and gentle, as if he is afraid that the calluses in his hands will hurt An Xin's delicate skin. At this moment, she is his treasure.

And when An Xin heard it, she put her small hand on Qin Yihan's big hand and said, "So it's cheap for you, and you have to treat me well in the future, otherwise,,,,"

"I will treat you well," the words did not finish, but were interrupted by Qin Yihan. When she heard your words every word, An Xin was slightly taken aback, and soon smiled.

"I believe in you." If it was you, I would like to believe it. I believe that there are indeed unchanging feelings in the world, but Qin Yihan, don't let me down.

Once you believe it, you won't doubt it, but when everything is believed and betrayed, everything at that moment will be broken, so don't let her trust you down.

That night, An Xin chatted with Qin Yihan for a long time until late at night, when An Xin left Qin Yihan's room.

It's just that this night was very quiet, An Youcai and Xie Haitian were alone in the hall, and only entered the room when An Xin left.

And when the next day came, An Xin got up early in the morning to pack everything, and then took An Qiao and the two to Li's home.

And when going out, seeing the pair of loose snow in front of the window, An Xin said softly, goodbye.

Soon, she got into the bullock cart and walked to Li's house. In fact, she already knew last night that Qin Yihan couldn't wait any longer, especially when there was loose snow in front of the window and traces on the ground. An Xin knew that someone was there. Come pick him up.

And at this moment, just as An Xin expected, someone did come to pick up Qin Yihan. At this moment, Qin Yihan looked at the ox cart going away, with an unknown glint in his eyes, reluctance and helplessness, and complicated emotions welled up moving.

"Have you found any traces of the master?" Qin Yihan quickly looked away. At that moment, he seemed to be a different person, cold and imposing, especially those black eyes were stained red at this moment. eye color.

No matter what, he has been with the ghost doctor for many years, no matter how he is, he has also acquired the strength of the ghost doctor. When he is with An Xin and others, he will not show his coldness, because he is afraid of scaring her.

"Returning to the young master, the news of the master has not been found at this moment, but the subordinates can conclude that the master should not have died, because the Gu worms left by the master are still alive, although they are weak, they still have vitality," soon came the air. answer.

And when Qin Yihan heard it, a softness flashed in his cold eyes, "Under the order, everyone must find the master, otherwise you will follow the master too,"

Speaking of Qin Yihan, he also turned around and left. After staying in this small village for a long time, the excitement in his heart has not been reduced by half, but at this moment it has become a little more turbulent. I don't know when he will return this time?
It's just that Qin Yihan at this moment doesn't know that it's been several years since he left, and when Gui Zai saw him, the little baby had already grown up and became more and more graceful and graceful.

(End of this chapter)

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