pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 506 Not a daughter but a monster

Chapter 506 Not a daughter but a monster (9)
And when An Shi heard An Qiao's words, she became emotional immediately, "Wake up, Qiao'er, you never talked to your mother like this before, Qiao'er, did this monster confuse you? Qiao'er, is she not you?" Sister, Erya will never treat me like this, she will not force mother to divorce, she is not my daughter, she is a monster, a monster who came to destroy our relationship, "

Once there are cracks in many things, it is difficult to repair, just like once there is suspicion about some things, and once the suspicion sprouts, she will slowly grow in her heart and bloom at this moment.

At this moment, An Qiao's words were the catalyst, catalyzing the seeds in An's heart, making her blossom at that moment. After all, An Qiao used to focus on her mother in everything, but now she helped An Xin to blame herself How could this make An's endure the jealousy and anger in his heart.

"Mother, what are you talking about?" When An Qiao heard An Shi's words, he took a step back and looked at An Shi with such a strange gaze, "Mother, you can see clearly, this is Xin'er, she Erya, you can see clearly, why did you become like this? She is your daughter, how can you make Xin'er feel so embarrassed when you say that about her? Mother, why did you become like this? "

My mother can say things like monsters. If others hear this, it will kill Xin'er, "You are not my mother. You actually want to kill Xin'er. Mother, your heart is actually more poisonous than your father. Say so?"

And when the people around heard An's words, they all looked at An Xin in horror, as if they really regarded An Xin as some kind of monster.

And when Li Shi in An's time heard An's words, he also frowned. Her daughter also said these words. You must know that this monster hurts people more than being unfilial.

After all, ancient superstitions, if the word that An Xin is a monster is spread now, An Xin may really die. After all, Qin Yihan just said that the broom star was already going to be burned to death, let alone this monster that appeared out of thin air.

And when An Shi said this, she immediately shut up, with a look of regret on her face. Naturally, the total number of her words just now knew how powerful they were.

"Mother, do you really think that I'm a monster?" An Xin looked at An Shi and said, her voice was a little ethereal, her expression was a little lonely and sad, and the smile on the corner of her mouth became more and more bitter. .

When the people around saw An Xin's expression, their hearts trembled immediately, and their distress was revealed. How could such a cute child be a monster?
"Mother, I have always thought that you understand me, mother. After my father passed high school, he divorced you, mother, and the family of four was kicked out. When the hunger and cold were severe, mother, you were reluctant to eat, so you just wanted to keep things. Give me and Youcai, just mother, why have you changed when I can let you live a good life, "

She never refuted the matter of whether she was a monster or not, but still said silently, but her heart was a little cold for Anshi, she was indeed not her own mother, even if she worked hard, cracks would still appear.

In fact, she said yes that she is indeed not her daughter, but she still has a bit of resentment in her heart. She is not reconciled to the fact that her hard work has turned into nothing at this moment, and she is trampled on the soles of her feet for nothing. Down.

"Back then, my family had no money or food. Seeing that my family was about to starve to death, I worked so hard and decided to go hunting alone in the mountains. Mother, do you know that I almost couldn't come back? I am not afraid of the danger in the mountains, but I am afraid that something will happen to you at home, I escaped from the tiger's mouth with great difficulty, and what are you doing, mother?"

(End of this chapter)

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