Chapter 515
But at this time, An Xin heard that someone was at home, and soon saw a figure walking towards her in a hurry, and when An Xin saw the figure, she frowned slightly, what is this person doing here?
"Erya, wait for me, I'm my uncle," Anxin soon saw his uncle running on the snow in a hurry, with a flattering smile on his face.

And when An Xin and An Qiao saw this, they didn't smile much on their faces, they just looked at their so-called uncle with a cold face, especially An Qiao's eyes were even more unkind.

When he thought of his grandmother's family, An Qiao subconsciously felt disgusted. It was all because of their fault. If it wasn't for them, his mother would not have become like this.

It's because of this family's disturbance that mother became more and more unfamiliar, so when he saw his uncle coming, An Qiao immediately stood in front of An Xin, with a look of "I hate you appearance".

"What are you doing here?" An Xin looked at her uncle, without any emotion on her face, she just saw An Qiao pull her down behind her.

It's just that there is a hint of coldness in those eyes, especially when looking at my uncle, those eyes are like ice and snow in the twelfth lunar month, making people even colder to the bone.

"Erya, how could you only talk to uncle? You should be called uncle. It's been a while, and you don't know him anymore. Think about it, uncle hugged you a few days ago," when seeing An Xin's appearance , Uncle's face is a little ugly.

Especially when he saw those indifferent eyes, his whole body burned up. This niece must not be pleasing, if it wasn't because she had something he wanted, bah, he wouldn't have to chase this bitch.

"I'm sorry, I have already severed ties with your Li family, so what about uncle? You can't bear it," An Xin said coldly when she saw her uncle lecturing like an elder.

For the level of chasing and beating and shamelessness of this family, they can compete with An's family. It really is not that the family does not enter the house, they are all the same, so it is no wonder that they can become in-laws.

For the Li family at this moment, An Xin can say that she hates it to the extent that it is no more than that of the An family at 01:30. The only difference is that she has the desire to kill the An family, but she just hates the Li family. .

Of course, if the Li family didn't know what to do, she wouldn't be polite to them. After all, because of An Tietian, she had already been stained with blood, so what does it matter if there is more or less at this moment?
She also knew about her own peace of mind. I'm afraid it was completely distorted. When did it become like this?It has become so cruel and twisted, especially for the enemy, it is that there is no mercy at all.

"Erya, how can you say that? You are all my mother's momentary words, so don't take it seriously. I, my uncle, don't agree. I'm telling you, this is the person who broke up with you, but my mother is not me. , so I don't admit it," the uncle's eyes flickered slightly when he heard that An Xin took out the book to suppress him, and he said quickly.

The person who divorced him was not me at all, but his mother, so it didn't count at all at this moment, and he was this girl's uncle as always, and thinking of this, my uncle's mood improved.

And when An Xin heard what my uncle said, she immediately felt amused, "What do you mean, uncle, do you want to say that Mrs. Li is not your mother? Or is it that you want to sever ties with Mrs. Li for us?"

At this moment, my uncle's scum is not opportunistic and takes advantage of loopholes, but who is An Xin?If you want to take advantage of the loophole, will she obediently let you take advantage of it?
Naturally, An Xin would not take advantage of her uncle's loopholes. You must know that An Xin of the Li family doesn't want to get in touch with any of them anymore, and at this moment, An Xin has a big plan to let her die of old age in Li's family. She will bring everything to drink.

It's just that An Xin doesn't know the word blood relationship, so how could it be broken just because one sentence is broken, especially the blood relationship between mother and daughter.

Then it's not as simple as breaking it down. In fact, it's not because of An Xin. After all, her mother died early in the previous life, and An's in this life is not a real mother, so naturally she never thought of this.

And when the uncle heard An Xin's words, his face froze immediately. At this moment, he realized that the two girls were scumbags against him. If he admitted that he had nothing to do with Li Shi, then it would be his unfilial piety.

After all, his relationship with Mrs. Li has always been relatively harmonious. If he broke off with Mrs. Li at this moment regardless of his peace of mind, he would not be stabbed to death. It's just that if he admits at this moment that he never severed his relationship with Mrs. Li.

Then Li's decision is naturally tantamount to his own decision, and at this moment, I really have nothing to do with Erya, so at this moment, if I make a request to Erya, it is impossible to be agreed at all. .

Thinking of this dilemma, my uncle wished he could strangle An Xin to death, this girl is really vicious, she specially digs holes for her to choose, how can a damned bitch be so smart.

Thinking of seeing his daughter Damei thinking about the peace of mind at this moment, the uncle had to admit that he was jealous, jealous that Anshi had such a smart daughter, he thought that if the daughter was his own, then he would be able to enjoy it for the rest of his life.

It's just that such a good thing will never happen to me, and when An Xin sees your uncle in a hundred turns, a sarcastic smile appears on the corner of his mouth, all the way.

If it wasn't for waiting for Xie Haitian at this moment, she wouldn't talk to this uncle at all at this moment. She said that An Xin had this idea, and even An Qiao who was beside him wanted to leave this uncle forever.

At this time, An Xin and An Qiao had never seen before, and there was a carriage slowly moving forward not far away, and the person sitting in the carriage at this moment was also familiar with An Xin for 10 minutes, because this is Li Saburo.

(End of this chapter)

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