pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 536 An Xin's Small Disappointment

Chapter 536 An Xin's Small Disappointment (1)
After An Xin took the land deed and house deed of Xiao Yaya's home, An Xin took Xiao Yaya back home, and after returning home, Xiao Yaya was so tired that she fell asleep. When Ya Na was sleeping, she sighed.

Then he walked out of the room silently, and after walking out of the room, he ate some food first, and then began to study medicine and read medical books.

In fact, An Xin originally wanted to go into the space to have a look at the flowers she planted and the few fruit trees, but because there was a mysterious man in black in the dark, An Xin didn't dare to enter the space at this moment.

But when An Xin was reading medical books, he didn't know that there was a guest from a thousand miles away, and this person was the chief steward of the calligrapher, but at the moment the chief steward was very busy.

The chief manager originally planned to go to An Xin to talk about things together, but why didn't he think of it?The dainty eldest lady of my own family followed from all the way.

It's fine for her to follow, but unexpectedly, she developed a high fever on the way, which made the steward very anxious. After all, at the beginning, the steward rushed to see the furniture picture.

But at this moment, this delicate young lady like Shu Wanyue, how could she bear this kind of suffering, and her body was already weak and flustered, so she already had signs of fever when she was on the way.

But because Shu Wanyue is a stubborn woman, she refuses to let others discover her identity, so she has been holding on until the fragrance is full of buildings, she fell off the horse by herself.

At this time, when the chief steward saw the woman who was about to fall, she was taken aback for a moment, and when she saw clearly who this person was, she immediately panicked, my ancestor, why are you here.

As soon as he saw Shu Wanyue who fell off the horse, the chief manager hurriedly carried her into the room, asked the doctor and ordered someone to make medicine, and it took one night to go through such a toss.

And after the big manager finished tossing about, he immediately passed the letter to Shuheng. After all, I am afraid that Master Shuheng didn't know about the young lady's escape. After all, even he only knew about it just now. I'm afraid I'm already anxious to death because of this aunt.

What's more, the thing that made the Chief Steward even more fatal was still to come, and that was Miss Shu Wanyue, who actually vomited and coughed in the middle of the night, which seemed to frighten Li Fugui's family and the Chief Steward.

After all, Li Fugui is a servant of the calligrapher, so when the chief steward arrives at the county government, he will naturally live in Li Fugui's home, so when Li Fugui told the servant girl that Shu Wanyue had a high fever and looked like she was about to die, she immediately burst into cold sweat , and quickly went to find the big steward.

The chief steward who had just passed on the book to Shuheng Feige originally wanted to find a maid to take care of Shu Wanyue, and then send Shu Wanyue back to the calligrapher's house after she got better.

But he didn't want to hear Li Fugui's call. When he heard Li Fugui's story that Shu Wanyue was going to die, the chief steward trembled in fright, and hurriedly called for a doctor.

And when the doctor arrived, when the chief steward saw Shu Wanyue's pale face, he immediately became angry and furious. After all, if Shu Wanyue had something wrong this time.

I'm afraid he shouldn't be the chief steward, not just the chief steward, but even this little life will be buried with Shu Wanyue, after all, Shu Wanyue is very favored.

"Doctor, how is my young lady's illness?" The chief manager couldn't help asking when he saw the doctor frowning all the time.There was also a hint of worry in my heart, after all, this young lady's body was always sick.

(End of this chapter)

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