pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 549 Seeing That Her Again

Chapter 549 Seeing That Her Again (6)
Soon An Xin and Xiao Zi got into the carriage, and then they got into the carriage and walked to Jun's house in the city. Just as they left Ping Village, another carriage entered Ping Village again. At this moment, Li Fugui and An Xin were running counter to each other. up.

And when Li Fugui learned from An Qiaokou that An Xin had gone to Jun's house, his face suddenly became a little ugly.

But even though Li Fugui was angry at the moment, he smiled at An Qiao, "That's disturbing Miss An." After all, this time he wanted to negotiate a deal with An Xin, so naturally he couldn't show An Qiao's face.

When An Qiao saw Li Fugui leaving, a look of worry flashed in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was going to do this time?
After all, Young Master Junhua sent someone to pick him up, and then Li Fugui came to pick him up. Judging from the tandem of the two, even if An Qiao was being stupid, he could still see something tricky.

And when Mama Wu saw An Qiao sighing, she walked to An Qiao and said, "Miss, don't sigh anymore. If you want to help Miss in the future, you can learn slowly. Anyway, Miss is not old now." Big, if you want to learn, there is still time, "

After seeing the dimness and loss in An Qiao's eyes, Mama Wu said, after all, she was too clear about the disappointment in An Qiao's eyes, and it was because of her powerlessness, her disappointment and loss of not being able to enter that world.

And when An Qiao heard it, she turned her head and looked at Mama Wu, "Can I really do it too?" Yes, can she really do it too?Can he roam freely in that world like An Xin?
In fact, if it was in the past, An Qiao might not have thought of it in her whole life, no, she would never have thought of it in her whole life, but at this moment she did.

She suddenly wanted to try it, and didn't want her life to be too dull. When she saw An Xin's dazzling light on the carriage that day, An Qiao was immediately fascinated, and she wanted to touch it too. that world.

Touching the world that everyone would ridicule, An Qiao knew better than anyone else that a woman's lack of talent is virtue, and the most important thing a woman should do is to wash and cook, and take care of the children at home.

It's just that at this moment, she suddenly doesn't want to think about it anymore. Maybe it's because of the influence of An Xin that An Qiao has such a rebellious mind. After all, in this era when women are learning to do business, it will always make others say that they are not good or bad. The presence.

So when An Qiao was aware of her own thoughts at the beginning, she tried her best to suppress them, but recently, she didn't want to suppress them anymore, because she also had a dream, dreaming that she could also have her own piece world.

Even though this dream is ridiculed by many people, ridiculed and ridiculed by many people, she still wants to give it a try, and doesn't want to regret today's retreat when she gets old in the future.

When Wu Ma heard An Qiao's words, she smiled and said with a touch of confidence on her face, "Miss, why are you so self-deprecating? You must know that you are Miss's sister. If Miss can do it, you can do it too, Miss." OK,"

And when An Qiao heard Wu Ma's words, she became thoughtful, and there was a gleam in her eyes. In fact, her heart had always been nurtured by An Xin, and An Xin was indeed very successful at this moment.

Because she had ground An Qiao's temperament over and over again without knowing it, and thus she had ground An Qiao into today's temper. Of course, An Xin at this moment did not know about An Qiao's changes.

I don't know that An Qiao has already walked towards her step by step according to what he thought in his heart. I don't believe that after a long time, this An Qiao will definitely get closer and closer to An Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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