pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 560 Negotiation Collapse

Chapter 560 Negotiation Collapse (5)
The reason why Shu Wanyue lived with Junhua at this moment was to confirm whether An Xin was the woman in the painting. Although Li Fugui said at the beginning, An Xin was still a child, so what if it was just a child?
Don't children climb other people's beds?Will the child not harm others?No child can seduce and deceive people, so in Shu Wanyue's eyes at this moment, there is no such thing as a child at all.

In her eyes, there are only enemies and friends. If An Xin looks like a big girl at this moment, Shu Wanyue will definitely not let her go, but at this moment and An Xin are indeed smaller, so Shu Wanyue He breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still on guard in his heart.

Although the murderous intent towards Shu Wanyue was only for a moment, An Xin was still sensitively aware that this woman was very disliked or even disgusted by her, and the calligraphers were all very self-righteous.

Although I don't know why Wanyue doesn't like herself in this book?But An Xin also knows that since she is not RMB, it is impossible for anyone to like her, so at this moment, An Xin doesn't care about the two of them.

"What happened to Miss An?" Jun Hua said to An Xin, but his tone was less soft than before, and a little more indifferent, but there was a faint light in his eyes, and the eyelashes that tasted Covering the emotions in the depths of his eyes.

And when An Xin heard it, the corners of her mouth slightly curled up, showing a sarcasm smile, and she sneered at the calligrapher, and when An Xin saw that the emotion in Jun Hua's eyes was not fake.

At this time, he said lightly, it's just that Junhua has changed really fast, but Shu Wanyue, who saw Junhua's fear, was relieved, after all, his fiancée naturally treats him indifferently.

"Nothing happened, but this girl didn't buy it. Even if she sells pigs and dogs, she will never sell it to a calligrapher. This calligrapher is really generous. Even I subconsciously use my hands to coerce and lure me. , but this seems to be useful, this girl has always been soft and not hard, so this time the cooperation is out of the question, isn't it, sir?"

After speaking, he turned his head and looked at the senior steward standing at the door, and when the senior steward heard An Xin's words and saw Shu Wanyue's figure, his face turned pale.

After all, if I let the calligrapher know this time, if the calligrapher suffers because of his own fault, then even if he has a hundred lives, he is not enough to die, so a vicious plan appeared in his heart in a blink of an eye.

So Lian hurriedly scolded An Xin, "Bitch girl, you're talking nonsense, it's clear that you don't know how to be careful, and you want to use the furniture map to let our calligrapher help you become Junhua's concubine. I don't agree with you. Going away in anger, but at this moment you are still wronging a good person here, such a girl as Young Master Junhua is absolutely not allowed to stay, "

As she said that, she said as if she was thinking about Junhua, but when Shu Wanyue, who was standing beside her at the moment, heard the words of the chief steward, her face suddenly turned blue and purple, she raised her hand and slapped An Xin.

After all, no matter what the chief steward said, he belonged to her. At this moment, no matter what the chief steward said, whether it was true or not, it would irritate her. After all, Junhua is also such a lowly girl who can be cut off. Her Junhua can only be hers.

But in the next second, someone grabbed her hand. When she saw the person who grabbed her hand, Shu Wanyue's eyes turned red, "Brother Junhua, what are you doing? This bitch is plotting against you, A little country girl also wants to be your concubine, brother Junhua, you are clearly wishful thinking, brother Junhua, let me teach her a lesson, brother Junhua, "

(End of this chapter)

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