pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 571 Leading the snake out of the hole 1

Chapter 571 Luring the Snake out of the Cave (8)
"Fuck you," upon hearing what the man in black said, An Xin kicked him, and said in a foul voice, "You are helping me, so I want to thank you, thank you You did something wrong to my old lady, "

Upon hearing what the man in black said, An Xin became angry immediately, and killed Dr. Li's family, but at this moment he still looked good for himself, this man is really fucking shameless.

If he was really doing it for his own good, what happened to the letter on Little Yaya when he killed Dr. Li?How did Dr. Li's son and daughter-in-law die?

If Dr. Li is the one who knows his secret, he is the one who deserves to die. She can rest assured that she admits that the man in black is doing it for her own good. Where is Dr. Li's son and daughter-in-law?Where are they guilty?
She is not the Virgin, but she is also Marysu, but she is definitely not that unintentional person. It is impossible for her not to feel angry about the death of Xiao Yaya's parents, and the person in front of her is still looking good for herself. An Xin was offended.

"You are good for me? Doctor Li deserves to die. Well, I admit that at the moment you killed him, I felt very happy, because if Doctor Li died, no one would know that I killed Widow Li's family. It's just that Dr. Li's son and daughter-in-law have any crimes? I don't think I'm a good person, but I absolutely don't allow others to use my name to kill people." This person in front of him is using his own name to kill people.

And when the man in black heard An Xin's words, there was bloodthirsty in his sinister eyes, "Of course they are innocent, killing them is just for fun, I want to see how you will face that little girl , but you are not bad. Her whole family died because of you, but you are so hypocritical. I feel disgusted when I see it. Why do you want to say? I didn’t kill anyone. Dr. Li’s death has nothing to do with you, don’t lie Don't fool yourself, you are the kind of person who can't tolerate any threats in the world, so even if I don't do it, you will still get rid of him. Am I right? Fake benevolence, false righteousness, false compassion, If that girl knows that everything she has suffered at this moment is caused by you, do you think she can still call you Sister An Xin?"

"Shut up," An Xin felt disgusted when she heard this man's words. How perverted this man is, he killed an innocent couple just for fun, but his fun ruined a little girl's life. Home.

Thinking of this, An Xin immediately became angry, and when the man in black saw An Xin's appearance, the sarcasm on his face became more and more intense, "Why do you want to say that you are not the kind of person I said? But you Even if you are quibbling, there is still no way to change the fact that you are the kind of ruthless person. You have never had any intentions. In fact, to be honest, you reconciled, little girl, and you are very suitable to be a killer, because you started at a young age. Killing, and you haven't received any training, you are simply a natural killer, so you better not refuse me, I will take you to your favorite world,,, cough cough,, you,,,"

But when the man in black was talking, he saw An Xin stabbing the knife into his body without hesitation, "You are right, I am the kind of person you said, and I have no intention of Ruthless, but I also have my own principles. I will not shirk the death of Dr. Li's family, because they were indeed caused by me, but you, the culprit, don't need to tell me here, Don't you just want to delay the time and get rid of the poison on your body? But do you think I will give you time? Although I am not from the rivers and lakes, I can clearly understand the saying that if you cut the grass, the spring wind will blow and regenerate, At this moment, although I really want to know who is the person behind the scenes? But compared to your death, I will still choose the latter. As for the person behind you, I will find out slowly. This girl is not interested, before the next reincarnation, I suggest you not to choose a killer, because you are not a qualified killer at all."

(End of this chapter)

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