pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 581 Fishing 1

Chapter 581: Fishing for a Change (1)
In the early morning of the next day, before dawn, she heard a door call from outside the gate, and when Mama Wu heard the door call, she groped out of bed, put on her clothes and walked out. When he opened the door, he saw a large group of people standing outside his door.

Looking at the time when at least there were twenty or thirty people.Wu Ma jumped immediately, thinking that the way she opened the door was wrong, otherwise there would be so many people?
After all, it was early in the morning, no matter who saw so many people outside their gate early in the morning, they would be shocked.

"Miss Wu Ma?" At this time, Wu Ma recognized one of them, and that was Xiao Zi in plain clothes. When she saw Xiao Zi, Wu Ma breathed a sigh of relief. It was obvious that she was not here. You are looking for trouble, after all, this little Zi Wu Ma has seen it before.

"Miss Xiaozi, you are looking for Miss, Miss is still sleeping, I will call you right now, Xiaozi will wait for you," Wu Ma said, then ran into the room and pushed An Xin, and at this moment An Xin It was a drowsy sleep.

And when you felt someone pushing you down, you opened your eyes vaguely, and there were layers of mist in your eyes, "What's the matter, Mama Wu?"

And when Mama Wu saw An Xin's appearance, she said, "Miss, a large group of people came outside, saying they were looking for Miss, and Miss Xiao Zi is also there."

When An Xin woke up at the beginning, Wu Ma said, after all, there should be a big deal with that appearance at the moment, otherwise why would there be so many people here?

And when An Xin heard Wu Ma's words, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she suddenly lay down on the bed. By the way, she almost made herself forget that she agreed to catch fish today.

Thinking of catching fish, An Xin hurriedly dressed, and after washing up, he took your scarf and went out. At this moment, this scarf is made of silk, after all, there is no wool here. .

And when An Xin opened the door, she saw that there was no one standing outside the door, and at this moment Jun Hua was actually among them, as soon as she saw Jun Hua An Xin opened the door and walked over quickly.

"Master Junhua, why are you here too?" After all, it's so cold that even he doesn't like to go out, so why does he come here to join in the fun, and at this moment, when An Xin saw Junhua's thin clothes, he felt a little nervous. Immediately, I became more envious and jealous.

This is the benefit of good internal strength. At this moment, Junhua is wearing a purple robe with printed flowing water marks embroidered on it, and at this moment, the cuffs are decorated with auspicious cloud patterns. The whole person is standing in the wind and snow, that wipe The purple figure became a highlight of the scene.

The breeze is like a painting, full of evil spirits, like a fairy, but also like a demon. When An Xin saw this, she shook her head secretly. This evildoer, I don’t know how to wear more in winter. This is not to attract people to commit crimes ?
Well, she is definitely not jealous, jealous of Junhua is not afraid of coldness, she is not forced, and soon An Xin put away the little jealousy in her heart and walked to Junhua's side.

And when Jun Hua saw this, he turned his head and smiled at him, that evil, enchanting and charming smile immediately lit up the audience, even some men secretly slandered him when they saw it, why are big men standing so gorgeous?
In fact, don't say that women are jealous of similar looks, even men are jealous, after all, whoever said that men don't need looks, then I'm sorry.

Sometimes men actually need looks more than women. After all, women are all beauty lovers, and they like handsome men and handsome men.

(End of this chapter)

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