pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 584 Fishing 1

Chapter 584: Fishing for a Change (4)
And when the man who was talking to Junhua just now, when he heard what the man said, he shook his head and said, "Okay, let's use the money to sit on the young master's work, regardless of what the young master and the others want to do? Even if the young master burns too much money , this has nothing to do with us, after all, you just need to work hard, the money is not inferior to you, "

As soon as the man heard the man's complaint, he said, and when the man heard it, he nodded his head and watched the net enter the water. In order to prevent the net from getting knotted when it was launched into the water, Anxin asked people to watch the net enter the water. The net, while the people behind are slowly pulling the line, making the net the first exit side.

But at this moment, the old village chief who just woke up and heard that An Xin was pretending to be a ghost on the lake, quickly put on his clothes and ran over with his son. When he got to the lake, he saw many people on the lake. work.

Seeing the people in their thirties, the old village chief was taken aback, "What does this silly girl like to do? If you don't stay at home in winter, what are you doing here? Don't you know it's dangerous here?"

You must know that although the lake is frozen at the moment, the people in the entire Ping village still keep their distance. When they saw An Xin and his group fishing here, they immediately froze, thinking that An Xin was stupid.

And when Li Qiang, who was next to the old village chief, heard his father's words, he said, "Dad, you always forget that? A few days ago, An Xin came to you and asked you if the fish in this lake can be caught. You I told her, this fish, she just catches it as she wants, and she took it seriously when she saw this girl today, but it’s just a big winter, how could she catch fish?”

At this moment, when Li Qiang saw the busy process of everyone, he shook his head and said, thinking that it was impossible for An Xin to catch half a fish, but when Li Qinhua saw An Xin's figure, he subconsciously frowned. head.

do not know why?At this moment, he thought that An Xin should succeed, but where did this trust come from?
And when the old village chief heard his son's words, he was a little confused. When did this happen?Why don't you know?
But even though the old village chief couldn't remember it at the moment, he didn't ask. After all, it was a matter of face, so he naturally wouldn't say that he forgot.

And An Xin, who was busy in the middle of the lake at the moment, did not go over after seeing the old village chief coming, but instead directed everyone there.

It's just that the more than 30 people at this moment feel a little insufficient after this assignment, and after An Xin assigned the command.

The old village chief and others also came over, and when seeing the old village chief, An Xin murmured a few words to Junhua and asked Junhua to help him watch.

And when Jun Hua heard it, he nodded, but he looked at An Xin with a strange look, knowing the way to get off the net at this moment.

This was the first time he had seen it. In the past, those fishing nets were scattered, but now this is a fishing net completely entering through a hole.

Soon Junhua looked at the busy people, and when he saw all this, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. At this moment, whether this method is good or bad will be known soon anyway, so there is no rush.

"Miss An, what are you doing?" At this moment, the old village chief walked up to An Xin with the support of Li Qiang and Li Qinhua.

You must know that the lake is frozen at this moment, so it is very slippery when you walk at this moment, so if there is no one to support the old village chief at this moment, I am afraid that his old bones will have fallen to his death.

(End of this chapter)

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