pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 616 She Is Mine 2 More

Chapter 616 She Is My Second Watch (9)
And when the people in that room knew that they were children, they still had killing intent towards themselves. This more or less made An Xin think of keeping a respectful distance from that Jianghu. At the same time, I also hope that Qin Yihan will come back soon.

You must know that compared to this bloody place, An Xin still likes this battlefield without gunpowder the most, that is the business world, and here is her favorite, but why is his favorite?

I am very worried about Qin Yihan's peace of mind at this moment, although I learned from those people that nothing happened to Qin Yihan?It's just that An Xin is still a little worried, but at the moment she is worried, but there is still nothing she can do.

At this moment, the door of the room was opened, and soon Jun Hua looked at An Xin with a pale face, "Did something happen to Miss An? Why are you so pale?"

After talking, he looked at An Xin, and found that the girl was already sweating all over at the moment, and when An Xin heard it, she shook her head, "It's okay, I was accidentally scared just now, let's go in first Bar,"

After all, eavesdropping on such things is not a good thing, so An Xin would not say it at this moment, but when Jun Hua heard it, he smiled, and then let An Xin go in first, "An girl, you go in first, I will go in." get something,"

When An Xin heard it, Bai nodded and walked into the room. Seeing this, Jun Hua walked not far away, but after walking for a while, he suddenly stopped, "Come back I don't want to see her, either."

And when Junhua's words just fell, there was also a voice from around the corner, and if An Xin was here at this moment, he would definitely hear who this person was?Because this person is Qin Yihan who disappeared for many days.

"No, seeing her doing well, I feel at ease, not to mention it's inconvenient for me to see her at the moment, and seeing her will only cause her troubles, so it's better not to see her, so as not to cause trouble," Qin Yihan leaned back He said at the corner, in fact, at this moment, it's just a matter of seeing that girl is well.

Just thinking of the time when the sword was pointed at An Xin just now, bloodlust flashed in Qin Yihan's black eyes, and there was also a touch of evil cruelty on the corner of his mouth.

In fact, Qin Yihan almost rushed out when the man in Tsing Yi made a good move just now, but fortunately he stopped in the end, otherwise his whereabouts would be exposed at this moment, but the girl still didn't make people worry, but Fortunately, that girl has always been lucky.

It's just that when thinking about the scene just now, Qin Yihan's heart became more and more murderous, no matter who hurt her, he must die.

And if An Xin saw Qin Yihan at this moment, she would definitely be shocked, because in just a few days, Qin Yihan had undergone tremendous changes.

I saw that he was 1.7 meters tall, with a wheat complexion, and a tight gray robe that showed off his perfect figure. His flaxen hair fell on his shoulders, adding a sense of laziness to him.

With a clean and resolute face, there is a sharp-edged indifference; under the long drooping eyelashes, deep eyes shining like black crystals, at this moment, he is like a mixture of various temperaments, all of which are flamboyant Noble and domineering coldness.

He also has his own unique ethereal and handsome appearance. Compared with the dumb guy he used to be, the current him undoubtedly does not give people a wild, uninhibited, evil and sexy look.

But at this moment, there was a touch of bloodthirsty in those deep eyes, which had already lost the gentleness of the past, and a sinister chill was tainted on his body, and his whole person was like a Shura.

The stern and bloodthirsty chill all over his body is undoubtedly not telling everyone that he has already changed at this moment, at least his hands are already stained with blood, and he has become farther and farther away from the original self, and he is not Do you know if that girl will recognize you in the future?

And when Junhua heard Qin Yihan's words, he sighed, and quickly disappeared around the corner. At the moment, Qin Yihan, who was on the other side, also disappeared in an instant after leaning his back for a while.

This time coming back was out of his plan, but at this moment he can't see her, because at this moment there are countless pairs of eyes looking at him around him, and once he goes to see her at this moment, I'm afraid she will would be in danger.

But hurry up, he will come back soon, because here he has his own home and his own heart, no matter how much he leaves, this is his final destination, "Anxin, you have to wait for me, but don't worry about it." Don't lose your mind, I will come back to find you."

For Junhua, he naturally knew clearly that that man had thoughts about An Xin, after all, he was also a man, so he naturally knew Junhua's thoughts about An Xin earlier than others.

However, soon a sneer flashed across Qin Yihan's eyes, this person has long been his own, so if anyone dares to move, he would not mind giving him a ride, thinking that there is a touch of bloodthirsty cruelty on the corner of his mouth .

"She is mine," and when Junhua left, he heard a soft sound behind him, and when Junhua heard it, he subconsciously stopped, at least there was a provocation in his eyes that refused to admit defeat , whose wait and see?
(End of this chapter)

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