pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 619 Talented Beating People 1 More

Chapter 619 Talented Beating Someone (3)
What's more, what Li Xiaomei said made An Qiao very disgusted. What does it mean that her mother is lonely?Could it be that in this family, my daughter can't compare to her niece?

And when Li Xiaomei saw that An Qiao was going to send her away, she burst into tears, "Woooo,,, if I go back, auntie, I will die, ohoo,, auntie You have to save me, if I go back mother and father will definitely sell me, oh,,, aunt, you can’t just ignore death, if I am sold as a concubine, I will definitely die Very miserable, woo woo,,,, "

Seeing An Qiao's decisiveness, Li Xiaomei burst into tears immediately, and she crawled on An Shi's body. The teary-eyed look made An Shi feel distressed, and when An Shi saw Li Xiaomei's appearance, I also feel bad.

After all, Li Xiaomei is his niece at this moment, so it's impossible for him, as an aunt, to leave her alone. The reason why An Shi came back this time was to take Li Xiaomei back for refuge besides admitting defeat and going home.

In fact, within a few days, this Li family suddenly wanted to marry this Li Xiaomei to Li Yuan's family as a concubine, and when Li Xiaomei heard about it, she was naturally unwilling and took it by An's side.

At the beginning, Mrs. Li was still jealous of Mrs. An, but Mrs. An heard today that Mrs. Li's family said that even if she fainted, Mrs. Li would send Li Xiaomei to Yuanwai.

And when An Shi and Li Xiaomei knew these words, they naturally didn't dare to take Lijia Village away, so they both ran back to Ping Village to seek refuge. thing.

That was when she took Li Xiaomei away from Lijia Village, the Li family was celebrating happily, and they didn't look angry at all because of Li Xiaomei's escape. Of course, An didn't know it at the moment.

"Xiaomei, don't worry, Auntie won't let you have anything to do, Xiaomei, don't cry, you live here, Auntie will take good care of you," An said, patting Li Xiaomei on the back lightly, and When Li Xiaomei heard it, she nodded.

It's just that when this scene fell into An Qiao's eyes, it immediately felt a little dazzling. When this mother was at home, she never said that she would protect their siblings, but now she told others this word. Thinking about An Qiao, it was inevitable that she would A little sad and disappointed.

"Since you have decided, mother, let Xiaomei stay, but you go to live with Wu Mama, our room is already full of people at the moment," An Qiao also compromised and let Li Xiaomei After staying, what else can she say at this moment?
After all, even if An's life is bad, she is still her own mother. As a daughter, how could she disobey her mother's words, and the only thing she can do at this moment is to be more on guard against Li Xiaomei.

After all, what happened last time has already happened, so An Qiao at this moment will naturally pay more attention. In case Li Xiaomei came here this time with evil intentions, then letting her live with him actually gave her a good chance to steal something.

And when An Shi heard An Qiao's words, what did she want to say when she opened her mouth?It's just that in the end, she didn't speak anymore, but when Li Xiaomei heard An Qiao's words, a look of disgust flashed across her face.

What?She was actually asked to live with an old woman, and she was also a servant. Thinking of this, Li Xiaomei felt a little disgusted in her heart, thinking that An Qiao was deliberately embarrassing herself, and wanted to use this method to drive herself away.

"Auntie, I don't want to live with Wu Ma," Li Xiaomei tugged on La An's sleeve and said, her little face was also full of reluctance, and when An' saw this, she sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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