pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 632 No longer tolerated

Chapter 632 No longer tolerated (3)
After all, An Xin just learned everything from Xie Haitian, and just now Xie Haitian just saw An You before hitting someone, but he didn't know why Xie Haitian beat him?And where did Li Xiaomei anger him?
"Xin'er, are you saying that Xiaomei will die?" An Qiao on the side saw An Xin frowning, and asked cautiously. At this moment, she was afraid that something would happen to Li Xiaomei.
You must know that if Li Xiaomei is dead at this moment, then all these mistakes are the fault of An Youcai, and if Li Xiaomei is really dead at this moment, An Youcai may not be in danger of being imprisoned. It's a life-threatening thing, isn't An Qiao afraid of worry when you talk about it?

And when An Xin heard An Qiao's words, she smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, let me prescribe a medicine, and you can go to the city to get the medicine. I'll give Li Xiaomei an injection first to suppress her injury."

Speaking of An Xinbi's acupuncture in the room, he quickly stabilized Li Xiaomei's pulse with himself, and at this moment, Xie Haitian went to the city to grab the medicine with An Xin's prescription.

And after An Xin applied the needles, she fed Li Xiaomei some water from the Bailingquan. Dangerous.

Of course, although An Xin has medical books at this moment, he still has more than enough energy. After all, this place is not modern and does not have the high technology of modern times, so even a ghost doctor with superb medical skills at this moment cannot see what is in the human head. What?
So at this moment, An Xin's only worry is that Li Xiaomei doesn't know when she will wake up?After all, it was her brain that was hurt this time, so even if An Qiao and An Xin were capable, they couldn't change anything.

"Eldest sister, can you tell me what happened to the release? Why did you beat Li Xiaomei if you were talented?" An Xin said while looking at An Qiao, who was looking pale.

And if she wanted to solve the problem at this moment, she didn't need to understand the ins and outs of all this first, otherwise she would just be like a headless chicken, but why did An Youcai suddenly become violent?What good thing did Li Xiaomei do?

And when An Qiao heard An Xin's words, his face was a bit difficult to distinguish, he gritted his teeth, as if there was something unspeakable, but when An Qiao was about to speak, he didn't want An to interrupt him up.

"You still have the face to ask why? It's all your fault, but you still have the face to ask why now?" At this moment, An Shi looked at An Xin with an angry face and said, there was also an irrepressible desire in those eyes disgust and dislike.

Because at this moment, An Shi decided that all of this was An Xin's fault, that An Xin had caused the current situation, otherwise, An Youcai would not have beaten someone to defend her.

Thinking of An Youcai's gaze just now, An Shi immediately burst into tears, her child, when did the child become like this?Why did it become so brutal?

And when An Xin saw An's expression, she frowned immediately, a flash of displeasure flashed in her heart, but finally she shook her head and sighed, "Then please tell me, mother, what did my daughter do wrong?" things? Mother you are so annoying, "

At this moment, she really wants to know, what is not good enough about herself?Why did An's loathe himself over and over again?Where did I make her so dissatisfied?

(End of this chapter)

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