pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 647 His Birthday Present

Chapter 647 His Birthday Present (2)
However, soon there was such a mockery on Aunt Li's gentle face, as if she was laughing at herself and she was at ease, she would have blocked her if she found it a few years ago, so why add hope at this moment.

Thinking of this matter, Aunt Li's eyes also felt tingling. After all, she is a woman with a heart. The thing she has been looking forward to most since she was a child is to hope that one day she can become the most popular embroiderer in the country. The dream stayed in the year when I was 16 years old.

That year, she happily became an embroiderer, but because of an accident, she was taken by the master of the mansion, and then the lady kicked herself out indiscriminately, and was finally sold to this place. kind of place.

Thinking of all this, Mrs. Li felt a fire in her heart, and that fire burned her all the time. It was hatred for that family. After all, what they deprived were not only of being a embroiderer, but also...

Because those hatreds are too strong, even after so many years here, the desire to be a embroidered mother in her heart has not diminished, and the hatred for that family is getting stronger and stronger.

Is it just hope at this moment?Soon An Xin laughed at herself, why bother to hold on to hope, this would only hurt herself.

Because if you have this hope in your heart at this moment, hoping that one day you can do this embroidery work and be the best embroidery lady, then she will only fall harder at the next moment, because she knows it at this moment , knowing that all this is impossible.

And when An Xin heard the words of Aunt Li, she heard the teacup on her hand, and quickly smiled slightly, "Do you dare? It's up to you, auntie. If you have that ability, auntie Afraid no one wants it?"

When An Xin came here, she had already investigated everything about Mrs. Li, so she naturally knew who blocked her at this moment, so naturally the most famous embroidery lady in the county government blocked her. of.

But at this moment, this Xiu Niangfang has another relationship with Jun's family, so at this moment in this county, what this Xiu Niangfang said has some weight, which is why Aunt Li was banned so thoroughly up.

And at this moment, Anxin came to see Aunt Li, and naturally she wanted to see if the show work that Aunt Li had in hand was in line with her own wishes. If her skills could really satisfy her, then it would be useless for her That reason buried this talent.

But when Aunt Li heard this An Xin's words, her hands trembled subconsciously, and the needle pierced her finger fiercely at that moment, but at this moment, Aunt Li didn't notice it at all.

Because at this moment, the reassuring words undoubtedly did not shock Aunt Li very much. That is what she meant by what you said just now, are you saying that she can ask herself to be a embroiderer?Please do the embroidery work yourself.

After all, at this moment, Mrs. Li has never doubted whether An Xin can really invite herself. After all, An Xin is already different from the past, so even if she really opens Xiufang in the future, it is not impossible.

It's just that she dared to say it at this moment?When all this was up to her, Aunt Li's face showed a touch of excitement. After all, at this moment, she really hoped that all this would come.

"Are you really willing to invite me?" Aunt Li looked at An Xin and said, and at this moment her voice was trembling a little, after all, everything at this moment is really a bit of hallucination to Aunt Li.

Mingming's heart is almost dying, but she never imagined that someone would suddenly give her hope today, but the greater the hope, the more disappointing she became, and she clearly told herself not to look forward to it, but at this moment she still kowtowed Dead go in.

(End of this chapter)

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