pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 649 His Birthday Present

Chapter 649 His Birthday Present (4)
But does this Mrs. Li have a heart?Thinking of peace of mind, he looked at Aunt Li at the side, and saw Aunt Li at the moment, when she saw the lame Li walking in.

Then she went to him and patted some of the chill off his body, and there was a bit of dissatisfaction on that face, but more distressed.

"I told you that it's winter, so don't go out anymore. If you get sick from the cold, how will we live?" Aunt Li saw Li Qingzhao's frozen body. When his face turned pale, he opened his mouth somewhere.

It's just that at this moment her voice was full of resentment, but when An Xin heard it, she smiled in her heart. I'm afraid that Aunt Li also has a heart for Lame Li, but when can her heart stay?
In fact, the most important reason why An Xin came to find Aunt Li today was because, on which day, she saw the unwillingness and anger in Aunt Li's eyes. situation, angry at their own powerlessness.

And when An Xin saw all this, she immediately knew that Aunt Li was also a restless woman. She was not reconciled to the current situation, and there was anger and despair in her heart, and that resignation permeated her all the time. eyes.

And when An Xin saw that gaze, she immediately knew what Aunt Li was thinking. After all, back then, Aunt Li was so opposite to herself.

When I was a child, I was not reconciled to everything in front of me, I wanted to change desperately, desperately to get rid of that tragic and lonely life, but at this moment, when this gaze appeared in Mrs. Li's eyes and hands this time, An Xin knew it at a glance. Well, Aunt Li probably already has other thoughts.

But whether this Aunt Li has other thoughts?This moment is the best time for me, because at this moment, whoever she treats Aunt Li at this moment, she will definitely hold on to it, just like this moment, isn't Aunt Li just holding on to it? own hand.

It's just that An Xin at this moment also knows that Aunt Li has a heart for Li Zizi today, but in the future, when Aunt Li changes the status quo.

When Lame Li is no longer her only support in this life, will she be willing to stay beside Lame Li, a lame man with inconvenient legs?
Soon An Xin smiled and shook her head, all these things have nothing to do with her at this moment, why should she care so much, if some feelings can't stand the test, it can only be that the love among them is not strong enough .

Soon An Xin walked out of Aunt Li's house, but there was a smile on the corner of her mouth. At this moment, Aunt Li must not disappoint her expectations. If she really dislikes the flat and loves the rich, then she can stay but cannot be reused. .

At this moment, Aunt Li naturally didn't know what An Xin was thinking, but told Li Lizi one by one what An Xin had just said to herself.

At this moment, Li Lizi was also listening to his wife's words closely. When he saw the colorful look on his wife's face, a dim light flashed in his eyes, and he opened his mouth to say something?In the end, it was buried under the miraculous joy of his wife.

At this moment, Aunt Li naturally didn't notice, she noticed the loss and dimness in her husband's eyes, but she was still talking about the matter of An Xin coming to find her at that time,
She was only halfway through talking, but Aunt Li also noticed that her husband's expression was not right, so she put down the two chapters of paper that An Xin had just sent.

Then he walked to Li Zizi's side, and when he saw his gloomy expression, he immediately shook his head, "What are you thinking, idiot? Don't worry, you are the most important person to me in this life,"

(End of this chapter)

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