pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 673 Love and Kill

Chapter 673 Love and Kill (3)
So naturally she wouldn't be tempted foolishly and then be sold, but at this moment, An Baozhu also knew clearly that Master Li's identity was unusual, so she firmly grasped him.

First, she used her own background to gain Master Li's compassion, and then she used her cleverness to capture him, and now this An Baozhu did it too, and she indeed let Master Li lead her out of the cage.

But after getting out of the prison, An Baozhu didn't think of a way to take revenge immediately, but quietly became her concubine. Of course, don't think that she really gave up revenge, she will really live in peace .

In fact, the reason why she lives in peace and contentment is to gain the trust of Master Li, and when Master Li really hurts her to the bone, then she will start her revenge.

After all, she hated An Xin and Junhua Zhu's second child, that had already been to the bone, so how could she give up her revenge plan so easily?
"Then husband, you have to remember what you said, don't lose your heart, otherwise, Xin'er doesn't know what to do?" At this moment, An Baozhu leaned against Master Li's arms, mourning and complaining, That look seemed to be afraid that Master Li would really abandon him at this moment.

And at this moment, the reason why An Baozhu is called Xin'er is because she used a pseudonym, and this pseudonym is also the name of someone she hates to the bone, that is An Xin's name, she can't take revenge on An Xin at this moment, but she wants to Disgusting to death this peace of mind.

And when Master Li heard An Baozhu's words, he felt distressed, "Don't worry, baby, I married that woman for the money in her body. After the money is in hand, even if the woman gives it to me, I can't see it." Come on, who told me to have a heart, you red apple, how can you like that green little flower, "

So it is unbelievable to say what this man said on the bed. After all, although the things in his heart are a lot greener, they are also in line with his own wishes. Of course, these words cannot be said in front of other women. After all, women are kind. A person who is jealous.

As he said that, he kissed An Baozhu's face, and at this moment, An Baozhu subconsciously flashed a touch of disgust, "Fuck, Nima, it sounds better than doing it, men are fucking inhumans, so I'm talking sweet words here at this moment." , who will be lost by then?
An Baozhu didn't learn anything in that flower building, but she has seen through this man a little bit, and she won't be like at the beginning, self-righteously thinking that she is gold, a person that everyone is reluctant to discard .

Hmph, at this moment, she has seen everything clearly, and she also knows that the man in front of her is simply lying to herself with words, but although An Baozhu knows that Master Li's words are lies.

But she didn't expose it, but said Jiaojiao, "That woman is too pitiful, oh,,, husband, it's wrong for you to treat her like this, and sister,,,"

After talking about An Baozhu, he hesitated to speak, and all the girls in the flower building said, this man loves a gentle, kind, considerate and sensible woman like her the most, so at this moment, An Baozhu tried her best to show her Be gentle and kind.

And when Master Li heard what An Baozhu said, he never felt that there was anything wrong, after all, when he met An Baozhu.

At that time, An Baozhu had a charming but kind-hearted appearance, so naturally she didn't know at the moment that the scene in front of her was just a fake, in fact, the woman in front of her had already been poisoned.

And the reason why Master Li redeemed An Baozhu at the beginning was that he valued He An Baozhu's gentleness and kindness, and he was also sensible and well-behaved, otherwise he would not have paid such a high price to buy An Baozhu.

(End of this chapter)

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