pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 677 Love and Kill

Chapter 677 Love and Kill (7)
Soon An Xin saw An Baozhu dug out a box, and when An Xin saw the box, a faint light flashed in her eyes, just when An Xin was about to do it, she suddenly heard an angry shout.

"Bitch, what are you doing?" Soon An Xin saw that Master Li followed in, and when An Baozhu saw Master Li, she subconsciously took a step back, but the box in her hand was tight and tight. It is guarding.

"Bitch, I knew you had a problem tonight, but I didn't expect you to be uneasy and kind." When Master Li saw the box, a killing intent flashed in his eyes. How could the place where he hid things let this Bitch know?

In fact, the reason why An Baozhu knows this place at this moment is the fault of Master Li's slip of the tongue after drinking, and at that time An Baozhu found out that Master Li loves to take valuables and hide them here At that time, there was a disagreement early in the morning.

After all, although this An Baozhu has experienced a lot, her arrogant temperament still remains. That is her at this moment, how could she be willing to be someone else's concubine?

You must know how low this concubine's status is, so when An Baozhu learned about this place.

As early as the beginning, she had already planned to find an opportunity to dig out the things, and then take them away and run away. At that time, the world would be huge, and she was afraid that she would have nowhere to go.

But at the beginning, An Baozhu didn't do anything. After all, it was winter, so she was reluctant to part with the warm house, so she planned to wait until the winter was over, and then steal something and run away.

It's just that today, when An Baozhu heard those words from Master Li, she couldn't suppress the thoughts in her heart. As long as she thought of the secret of An Xin hidden in this place, An Baozhu would wish to grow up Fly over on the wings.

And at the very beginning, she had been waiting, waiting for Master Li to sleep, and then came here to dig things and escape. As for her luggage, An Baozhu didn't care at all, after all, even Master Li at this moment All the belongings have been swept away, so what are those few clothes?
So An Baozhu fell in love with this Master Li, and rushed here to dig things as soon as he fell asleep, but he didn't expect that Master Li hadn't slept at all, but was waiting for this Master Li to make trouble.

After all, tonight, this An Baozhu was too weird, which made Mr. Li a bit suspicious, so he pretended to be sleeping and tried An Baozhu, but he didn't expect this temptation to be really ghostly.

But at this moment, Master Li was furious, and looked at An Baozhu as if he wanted to tear her apart. This was a naked deception. Unexpectedly, he was deceived by a slut in his wise life.

Master Li hated it when he thought of this, and slapped him when he walked over, "Bitch, you lied to me, it's so hard, I don't want to clean you up today, I took things away,"

As he spoke, he wanted to snatch the things in An Baozhu's hands, and at this moment, An Baozhu's delicate face was already flushed red from the beating, but his expression was no longer as weak as it was at the beginning.

After all, at this moment, An Baozhu also knew clearly that Master Li had discovered her stealing. According to Master Li's temperament, she might not escape death, and even if she did not die, she would be betrayed again. After all, his contract of selling himself is still in Master Li's hands.

And at this moment, her only bargaining chip is the thing in her bosom, so at this moment she will not hand it over even if she is killed, "Since you found out, then I won't act with you anymore. In fact, I am An Xin's aunt , do you think I will look at my niece and let you spoil it?"

(End of this chapter)

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