pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 691 Don’t Regret What You Want

Chapter 691 Don’t Regret What You Want (5)
At this moment, the one on Junhua's left is an old man over half a hundred years old, dressed in gray robes, he looks ordinary, but his eyes are full of wisdom, making it easy for people not to underestimate him at a glance.

And when Junhua saw An Xin, he waved to him, "An Xin, come here, this is my shopkeeper, I plan to let them go to the capital next year,"

Talking about Junhua, he introduced the two people around him, "This is Jinyan," he pointed at the man in Tsing Yi, "Jinyan is very good at planning, if he goes to the capital, he will definitely have a great influence." development," then pointed to the old man beside him and said, "And he, Uncle Liang, will go to the capital next year, so let me introduce you first."

And at this moment in the capital city, An Xin and Jun Hua naturally understood clearly, after all, Jun Hua had already made an agreement with An Xin at the beginning of the trip to the capital next year, and the two of them at this moment are the stewards of the restaurant in the capital. Of course, this is not just for the restaurant industry.

When Jin Yan and Liang Bo heard Jun Hua's words, they seemed to bow their hands to An Xin. After all, although they had never met An Xin before, they had heard a lot about her from Jun Hua, so when they saw her, , Although there was surprise in my heart, I never lost my composure.

It's just that Jin Yan's gaze towards An Xin was a little weird. I didn't expect that woman to have such a smart niece. It's a pity that she is as stupid as a pig.

And the woman in Jin Yan's heart at this moment is naturally An Baozhu, and the reason why An Baozhu was bought at this moment is also due to Jin Yan, because he deceived the generals, and the buyer is naturally his subordinates.

But now when he sees An Xin, he will naturally feel weird, after all, he sold her sister-in-law, but this Jin Yan is puzzled, since An Baozhu is An Xin's sister-in-law, why did the young master sell her? others?
Of course, although Jin Yan knew An Xin's existence at this moment, he didn't know An Xin's life experience, especially those complicated life experiences, so at this moment, he naturally didn't know why Junhua sold An Baozhu.

"An Xin, what's wrong with your face..." After the introduction, Jun Hua suddenly found that An Xin's face was a bit ugly.

Although at the moment An Xin, the blood on his face had already recovered a lot, but Jun Hua could still tell it at a glance, and soon he smelled a faint smell of blood in the air.

"It's okay, I didn't sleep well last night, so my complexion is a little pale," An Xin said hastily when she heard Junhua's words, for fear that Junhua might find something suspicious?

At this moment, An Xin tried her best to make her smile and face look better, but when Jun Hua heard An Xin's words, the other half's words of concern for An Xin were stuck in her mouth, "Then you should rest more."

It's just that there is a touch of helplessness in this look, this girl is still so defensive, even for herself, it is the same, if,, soon Junhua thought, if the person at this moment is him, Would she answer as she did at this moment?
Junhua looked at An Xin, and didn't want to pursue it anymore, but his gaze was still a bit cold. Who hurt this girl?When thinking of the faint smell of blood, Jun Hua's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"My lord, you are polite," said An Xin, and jumped over Jun Hua to the side of the county magistrate. After all, Jun Hua was naturally sensitive, and his eyes were too vicious, so An Xin didn't dare to talk to him too much at this moment.

In addition to this incident, she wanted it to completely disappear. When Widow Li was in the family, An Xin didn't want to get involved. After all, she had seen Li Ji and the short man's kung fu, so she was very concerned about Li Dashu's father. , more or less jealous.

(End of this chapter)

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