pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 804: The head of the chapter may have a chance

Chapter 804: There Will Be a Chance When You Turn Back (1)
"Whether you are bandits or robbers, I don't want to know, and I have no interest in knowing. After all, it is not necessary to be unfaithful a hundred times. You have a criminal record. It is not difficult for me to trust you. As long as the money is paid, this guy This girl will naturally give it to me, if you don't want to give it to me, you don't have to force it." When Shujun said that he was not a bandit, An Xin immediately thought it was funny.

If they weren't bandits and robbers, then who did the knife in the first place, and who provoked the Li family to attack their own house, now I want to use a few words, so let her obediently call this furniture If the picture is handed over, she really is a fool.

"Is there really no room for turning back on this matter? I really feel sorry for what Ms. An ordered my sister to do, but your 2000 taels are too expensive. I don't know if you can take care of me, Ms. An." Now, lower the price a bit," Shu Jun said softly when seeing An Xin's tough attitude.

After all, although their calligrapher has money at this moment, it is not so much money that they will burn it, so the 2000 taels is really too expensive at this moment. Thinking of this, Shujun regrets it a little. Why not come by yourself.

If you were the one who came here at the beginning, then don't be so unflattering at this moment, especially if the girl in front of you makes it clear that even if she deliberately makes things difficult, this book Wanyue will really cause trouble, and I have to let my elder brother take care of it when I go back. Tube.

"Excuse me?" An Xin glanced at Shu Jun lightly, those eyes that looked like pearls and stars, at this moment had a somewhat unknown smile, as if she was laughing at someone?There are people who want to be in general.

"You let this girl give you face, why didn't I see you give this girl face back then, second son of the book, you are sincere, so it is inconvenient for that girl to tell you more, since you have no intention of asking for furniture pictures, that girl doesn't have any Mood is chatting with you, I don't have much time, I don't have time to chat with Master Shu here, "Since she refuses to give money, there is no need for her to stay longer.

As he said that, he waved his sleeves, turned around in that step, and walked towards the gate, but when he had just taken two steps, he was quickly stopped by someone, looking at the black clothes standing in front of him. An Xin smiled.

"Second Master Shu, is this your way of hospitality? Or what you said just now, you were farting at all, and now you regret it, and you want to steal money by stealing, or kill people to silence your mouth, and you are taking money," An Xin turned her head and looked at the seated person. Shujun Road is not far away.

Even though she said so at the moment, there was not much panic on her face, especially when she looked at the man in black, there was a cruel smile on the corner of her mouth, and a bloodthirsty look in her dark eyes. In a flash, I really am easy to bully.

"Miss An, you have misunderstood, he doesn't need to be malicious," upon hearing An Xin's words, Shu Jun waved his hand and told the man in black to step back. This girl's words were really sharp and rude, and she really It's a country girl, and her tone of voice is very similar to that of this mountain village woman.

Seeing An Xin's tough tone, Shu Jun sighed, and said helplessly, "Ms. An, why don't we take a step back and lower the price of the furniture picture to 1000 taels a set? I don't know what you want, Miss An. How about this, this is already the biggest step backward, Miss An, you also know that this furniture picture is worth this amount at most, "

Now that the commotion is going on, Shujun wonders if he has a chance to win?After all, An Xin was protected by Jun Hua at the moment, if he really broke his face with An Xin, I am afraid that he would be the only one who suffers, and this girl gave people a sense of impenetrability.

(End of this chapter)

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