pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 822 Let the talented go to school

Chapter 822 Let the talented go to school (6)
And at this moment, An Qiao simply put Qin Yihan aside. It would take a month for Qin Yihan to disappear, and during the Chinese New Year, if he didn't come back to see An Xin, An Qiao would directly include Qin Yihan in his list. in the blacklist.

It doesn't matter if the younger sister doesn't like Li Qinhua, she can let the two of them have a long-term relationship, it doesn't matter if they don't have a chance to get along, as her elder sister creates opportunities, it doesn't matter if the younger sister likes Qin Yihan.

Anyway, my sister is young at this moment, so she doesn't know what liking is at all, maybe she is infatuated, so looking for someone who is about her age at this moment, you may fall in love with Li Qinhua everywhere.

But at this moment, Qin Yihan didn't even know that his daughter-in-law was about to be sold, and she was also sold by his future sister-in-law, and at this moment, An Xin didn't know what An Qiao was thinking, but asked aside The matter of Li Qinhua College.

And at this moment, An Qiao saw that the two of them had a good chat, so he pulled An Youcai to his side to prevent An Youcai from causing damage anywhere. At this moment, An Qiao just wanted to find a good one for his sister. object, but he doesn't want to be forced to feel at ease, so at this moment, he can only let the two of them develop naturally.

Of course, at this moment, An Qiao never thought of this Junhua at all. After all, this Junhua's status is too precious, poor people like them can't afford it, and even if she wanted it, she wouldn't let it.

After all, even if she had never seen the bloody wind in the mansion, she had heard about it, so she must not push her sister into the fire pit at this moment. There is no such thing as a concubine and other women in their families. Sharing the man's statement, it is true that Anjia Dalang is a special case, but he is dead at this moment, this is the end of marrying a concubine.

At this moment, when An Youcai saw An Qiao's appearance, although he was puzzled, he didn't know what the hell An Qiao was doing?However, he leaned quietly in An Qiao's arms, and then fell asleep all over. Anyway, it had nothing to do with him, so he might as well go to bed first.

And at this moment, after An Xin chatted with Li Qinhua about some things in the college, she also knew that the college was pretty good. Although there were many students, it was still fair. In addition, she gave An Youcai a lot of money, so it shouldn't be too much. will be bullied.

Adding that An Youcai has learned some kung fu by herself, even if she is bullied, it is someone else, not herself. Thinking of this, An Xin immediately felt relieved. , she was really unhappy.

After all, children who are less than [-] years old now have to live alone in the academy. How can she, as an older sister, feel at ease? But later, I heard that there are still students in the academy who are younger than An Youcai Only after he became a student was he willing to let An Youcai move in.

After adding this Li Qinhua now, An Xin felt more at ease to let An Youcai go to the academy. Although Li Qinhua was sometimes very rigid, he was nice to people, so he should take good care of Youcai for the sake of the same village. talent.

And after coming here for a while, I finally became a college, and at the moment the college is on the mountainside, it doesn't look like a college, it's better to say that it looks more like a big house, and at the moment around the college , and many people came one after another.

It looks like there are sixteen or seventeen-year-old children, and there are seven or eight-nine-year-old children, and at this moment, several of the seven-eight-nine-year-old children are crying. It is surrounded by the largest and only college, so the students here are naturally considerable.

(End of this chapter)

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