pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 825 Prepare to sell someone

Chapter 825 Prepare to sell someone (3)
And when An Xin heard that she wanted to learn from female celebrities, she immediately shook her head and told her to use a needle to sew clothes, but it was fine for making clothes. She was not the master of making clothes at all.

And when An Qiao saw An Xin's resoluteness, he could only give up. After all, An Xin tried for an hour, and this hand was pierced. Doesn't An Xin hurt? An Qiao felt pain when he saw it. It seems that his sister really It's not the life of a female celebrity.

When seeing An Xin's hands were covered with scars, An Qiao didn't have the heart to torture her anymore, but continued to teach the little girl, but at this moment, the little girl learned surprisingly fast, although when holding the needle, She was still a little unstable, but compared to An Xin, her little girl was not bad.

Time flies like water, and it has entered February in a blink of an eye. At this moment, the room has already been decorated, and the furniture that Shujun promised, he really sent several sets to himself.

And when Li Fugui brought the furniture, he looked at An Xin, as if saying, "You girl really hates it, it doesn't matter if you just extort so much money from others, and then knock on more than a dozen sets of other people's furniture. It's really a wolf.

After the furniture was delivered, An Xin's eyes lit up when she saw it. When she saw the imitation modern furniture, An Xin felt like a lifetime ago. How long has it been since she saw these things?
When seeing these furniture at this moment, An Xin immediately felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, and soon An Xin asked Master Li to carry the furniture into the room, and the room has already been cleaned at this moment.

An Youcai's room was tidy and clean, while An Xin's and An Qiao's rooms had the atmosphere of a woman's scroll. It really felt warm and peaceful, as if they were at home.

Soon, Master Li moved all the furniture up to the main building, and at this moment, Wu Ma and Xie Haitian also moved to live below the main building, but fortunately, the other buildings have a certain distance from the main building, so at this moment The dust cannot be blown in.

And after An Xin waited for someone to move into the new house, An Xin planned to buy some new servants back. After all, her business was about to start at this moment, so naturally she wanted to buy more servants.

As soon as she thought of this, An Xin told An Qiao about her thoughts, and the next day, An Xin and Xie Haitian and An Qiao went to the place where Wu Ma and Xie Haitian were bought last time.

The weather has already gotten warmer now, so An Xin wore a light gauze green skirt today, and An Qiao made a cute hairstyle for her hair. Coupled with that sweet face, the whole person looks cute as if Barbie dolls in general.

And when An Xin, Xie Haitian and others came to this tooth shop, the toothmaid soon walked up. When she saw An Xin, she was taken aback for a moment, and soon recognized An Xin.

"Miss, what kind of servant are you planning to buy this time?" When she saw An Xin, the prostitute immediately apologized with a smile, and the smile on her face was like a chrysanthemum, extremely bright, as if seeing the God of Wealth Same.

And this toothmaid is not bad, ever since An Xin came to buy someone once, she has also recorded An Xin's appearance, even after such a long time, she recognized An Xin all at once.

Facing the fiery gaze of the matchmaker, An Qiao was more or less uncomfortable, but An Xin's face did not change much, but she opened her mouth and said, "Find me some more beautiful women, and Embroidery work is also good, of course, I will not give less in terms of price, that’s all.”

At this moment, An Xin plans to buy the embroiderer herself. If the embroidery work is not good, it doesn't matter that she can ask Aunt Li to hand it over. After all, the embroiderer she invites is not safe, just like this poem Yueran, who will be harmed by this traitor.

So at this moment, An Xin either doesn't buy it, and if he wants to buy someone, he must buy this death contract, so that they will not dare to betray him even if they are beaten to death, after all, their lives are in their own hands.

And when the matchmaker heard An Xin's words, she felt a little embarrassed, "Miss, this matter is not easy to handle, after all, these embroidered servants will buy it well, and the price is also... But miss, we have The girls who just came in, you can take them back and let them learn."

And when An Xin heard the words of the matchmaker, she glanced at her lightly and said, "Don't worry, if I can't afford it, I won't ask for it. You bring the people up first, and some rough servants will also bring a few." Come up, both men and women."

What the matchmaker said just now, it is very obvious that she is afraid that she will not be able to afford it, or else she wants to raise the price, so she said these words on purpose, so as to make myself feel how rare this embroidered lady is.

"Okay," and when the matchmaker heard An Xin's words, she immediately smiled like a chrysanthemum, and soon asked the boys to bring some servants up.

Because what An Xin bought at this moment was a young woman, all the women who appeared in front of An Xin at this moment could be considered pretty.

Of course, this beauty is too beautiful, otherwise these women would not have appeared here, they would have been sold to the brothel early in the morning, and now these women are all popular.

And when An Xin saw the women kneeling on the ground one by one, she took a look, and found that some of them were not good-looking, but they looked comfortable and good.

And after this time, the matchmaker asked the young servant to bring a few more girls, and at this moment, these girls were very obvious, and their faces were much rosier than those who were brought up at the beginning.

Especially this hand is finer and smoother. After all, these people rely on embroidery for a living, so this hand should be well protected, and at this moment, these embroidery girls are all trained by this prostitute.

Although it's not easy to say, but she can know everything about embroidery. After all, this woman has one more skill, so the selling price is naturally much higher, and those who can't learn it, the price is naturally lower. There are also many, and the treatment is naturally not as good as these women, so naturally they are yellow and thin.

(End of this chapter)

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