pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 836 The shop is beautiful for you

Chapter 836 The shop is beautiful for you (3)
"Master Junhua, you are joking. When I started doing this business, I already knew clearly that once I got involved in this business, the Jun family would have a hard time ending. However, I will not give up on myself just because I am afraid of the Jun family." The best thing is, if the Jun family wants to come, I will naturally not sit and wait to die, but at this moment, I will not get them all out of the water at once, and the tree will attract the wind. I still understand this very clearly, how come Young Master Xiang Junhua, I will give you a bonus to do it with me. Anyway, the enmity between you and the Jun family cannot be resolved overnight. Why not do it with me, you cover my shop, and I will give it to you. You get a tier of bonuses,"

This level of bonus is still considered high price, after all, she will develop one after another in the future, but at this moment she also knows that this tree must find a tree to lean on first, and the big tree he is looking for at this moment is this Junhua master.

And when Junhua heard An Xin's words, he smiled softly, that evil smile, under the charm of that purple, had an indescribably thrilling, really evil to the extreme.

"Since you have talked so far, Anxin, I will naturally not refuse, and you are right. The grievances between the Jun family and me cannot end well, so cooperating with you at this moment can be regarded as seeking revenge from them," although for I regret not being able to buy half of the shares, but with a layer of bonus, it is still very good.

You must know that these two items will be sold at a high price, but Jun Hua quickly frowned and said, "Anxin, how much do you have on hand? I'm afraid it will be very crazy to sell this item. After all, you women are looking for their appearance. , but everything has just come out, so you can’t afford to be short of this product, but it’s only sold in this place, but after all, it’s a bit condescending, "

Even if Junhua is not a woman, women care about their appearance, it is clear, so when they see this thing at the moment, it will definitely sell well, and it will be a bit aggrieved to go to such a small place as pig shit.

"The skin care products and cosmetics, I mainly want to take them to the capital, and at the moment I should do it by myself, so there are fewer. After I find a suitable person, I will mass-produce them. At this moment, I will try to sell them first. Popularity is fine too,"

At this moment, she is the only one who can make this skin care product, and there are only a few boxes in a day. In addition to the box carved by Xie Haitian, she also makes it by herself, so it is impossible to mass-produce it at this moment, but it can be done every now and then. Sell ​​it for a period of time, and build a good reputation first.

Let the reputation start, and there will be an endless stream of customers in the future, not to mention that all she needs to do in this shop is clothes, but the cosmetics have to be bought in the capital. After all, the materials are not cheap, and flowers need to A lot of money.

Although An Xin can use wild flowers, it is just that the things made of wild flowers are wired, so I have to buy flowers. In addition, the mountain has not been fully developed, so I can only buy a little at the moment.

And the woman in the room at this moment, when she heard what An Xin and the others said, she felt a little silly, she didn't know what they were talking about?I don't know what they mean?
But the only thing he knew at the moment was that An Xin and the boss showed no signs of wanting her. The woman immediately became happy when she thought of this, and Cai An Xin also noticed that the woman was still in the room, so she let her go out first.

And when the woman went out, An Xin and Jun Hua followed her quietly, and when the shop assistants in the shop saw the woman, they were all a little stupid. Later, the woman told her The waiter in the store just remembered the name of this person. This person's feelings are the heart of his store.

And then it spread quickly in the restaurant. At that time, a woman in the store suddenly became beautiful, and when the guests around heard it, they all looked at this woman.

Some of the guests who knew the woman were startled when they saw the woman. The male guests looked at her a few more times, but the female guests asked her one by one, what is going on?

After all, they all knew the woman's appearance at the beginning, but now she suddenly became beautiful. How could it be impossible for these women to be envious and jealous, so they asked the woman one by one.

When the woman heard it, she was taken aback for a moment, and soon someone brought a cup of tea to the woman. When she saw the reflection in the tea, the woman touched her cheek in disbelief. Is this her?
At this moment, she seemed to be in a dream, and she became more beautiful in the dream, and when the woman came back to her senses, she told what happened, and when the female guests heard it, they all became like wolves. Like a tiger, he grabbed the shopkeeper and asked him to hand him over.

And when the shopkeeper saw this battle, he was shocked at first, and then agreed to them, saying that he would find a way to arrest them. After getting the reply from the shopkeeper, although the female guests sat back sitting on the seat, but still looking at the shopkeeper eagerly.

Soon the shopkeeper couldn't bear the enthusiastic gaze, and ran upstairs to find An Xin and Jun Hua, and when An Xin and Jun Hua heard it, they immediately smiled slightly, "Girl, your move is not bad. Let that woman make a sample and tell everyone that you can be beautiful as long as you want, and when those female customers find out, they will naturally look for you, and then,,,,"

"Then I will tell the opening time of this store and let these female customers buy it by themselves. On the one hand, it can let them spread the word of mouth, and then let more people know that our store, "beautiful for you", is in It will open on February [-], the day after tomorrow,”

An Xin took the words from Jun Hua's mouth and said, that woman just now was indeed deliberately let her go out, the purpose was to let more people know the existence of her product.

(End of this chapter)

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