pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 843 The Poetry Moon Returns

Chapter 843 The Poetry Moon Returns (4)
In fact, when Shi Yueran first entered the door, An Xin found that although Shi Yueran's complexion improved a lot, she had a strange smell on her body. The taste of fetal medicine is very special in this world.

How she used it for pregnancy protection, of course, and if it is not a doctor, I am afraid it is difficult to smell it. Even if I smell this smell, I am afraid that they are just ordinary spices.

However, An Xin is a medical student, so when she smelled this smell, she began to doubt whether Shi Yueran was pregnant, and when she saw the pulse just now, she found that there was indeed a fetal movement of about one month old.

"Is it absolutely weird? They think I'm shameless and people don't want me anymore, but I'm still reluctant to get rid of this kid. Are you thinking that I'm a lecherous person?" Upon hearing An Xin's words, the poem Yue Ran immediately said.

After all, getting pregnant before marriage is an act of adultery, and in some places it would even sink into ponds, but fortunately they are in the city, and there are many people coming and going, and it's not that there are no single women who are pregnant, it's just that there are few.

But they are different from Shiyueran, Shiyueran is unmarried, while those women are out with their husbands. Of course, there are also unmarried and pregnant girls among them, but they are very few.

And when An Xin heard Shi Yueran's words, she raised her head and looked at her, "Why do you ask such a question? I don't think it's inappropriate to get pregnant before marriage, I'm just a little surprised, not to mention that this child is not just his. Flesh and flesh are also your own flesh and blood, why can't you stay?"

There are many unmarried mothers in modern times, so when she saw Shi Yueran at this moment, she was not too surprised, not to mention that this is someone else's business, why is she interrupting as an outsider?
What's more, even if Shi Yueran kept the child, An Xin didn't feel that there was something wrong. After all, this was not only the man's child, but also Shi Yueran's child. She naturally had that qualification. Should she keep it or get rid of it?

"You really don't think I'm disgusting and mean. I'm unmarried, but I'm pregnant, and I'm a child of a heartless man. You don't think I'm mean? People don't want me, but I still The scumbag wants to bear a child for him," said Shi Yueran, then looked at An Xin firmly.

At this moment, she needs someone to support her. In fact, after Dr. Li found out that she was pregnant, his first reaction was to abort the child in her stomach, but how could she be willing?

She is already 25, and a woman can have several 25s. She will never get married in her life, and it is impossible for someone to ask for her. She doesn't want to live alone.

I hope that there is someone who can accompany her, and this child is the one who can accompany her at this moment, but in the eyes of the world, all this is a deviant behavior, and they will laugh at her behind her back.

So when she heard An Xin's words at this moment, she was looking forward to having someone to support her. In fact, she lived with Dr. Li at the beginning, but they didn't allow her to give birth to this child.

They want to get rid of him all the time, but they don't know that this child is their own life at this moment, and her lifetime of female youth is almost over, if this child is really killed at this moment, it is very difficult for her to have a chance live mother.

Uncle and aunt only know that she will be ridiculed when she is pregnant at the moment, but they don't know that she has no intention of marrying. will be getting married.

The only thing she hopes in this life is to be able to bring up the child in her womb by herself, and then give him the best. Although she hates Xunran, the child is innocent, so she will give birth to him.

(End of this chapter)

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