pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 849 Early Warning of Drought

Chapter 849 Early Warning of Drought (3)
At this moment, he said that he had fallen into the water. As soon as his clothes were not wet at all, An Xin's hand touched the ground, but he suddenly realized that the ground was wet, while other places were still dry, and he was the only one. Wet right now.

Seeing this, An Xin began to think, you revenged yourself for falling into the water just now, and the water on the ground at this moment is the evidence that you fell into the water.

"Ah,,,," An Xin woke up suddenly when she saw all that, what were those just now?What's going on and why is it so scary?
When An Xin saw everything, it was so real, so real that it made people feel scared. If the whole world really turned into that, what would she do?
If everything I see at this moment is true, does that mean that all these things will happen, when famine will come, disease will come, and people's hearts will be bad for a while.

Especially in the last scene, when those men ran into her house to snatch everything in her house, An Xin felt an uncontrollable panic in her heart. After all, a person can defend himself, but if there are too many people to rebel, then he will How to prepare for it?
"Hmm,,,,," and at this moment, An Xin suddenly heard a voice, and soon An Xin saw a small head showing on the lake, and soon saw a child appearing on the lake.

When seeing that child, An Xin was stunned for a moment, how could a child appear here in the middle of the night?And still in the water?

Seeing this, An Xin took a step back subconsciously, but when she saw the mark on the child's forehead, she was taken aback for a moment, where did she seem to have seen the three red marks?
"Are you that carp?" When she saw the child, An Xin was taken aback for a moment, but quickly settled down. She believed that if the child in front of her wanted to harm her, she would have already killed her when she fell into the water just now. harmed.

Soon An Xin discovered that the child was somewhat similar to that carp, especially the mark on his forehead, which was even more the same. Seeing this, An Xin breathed a sigh of relief.

But in the next second, his expression became ugly, "The scene just now is true, the drought will really be so severe, when did the drought start?"

Soon An Xin thought of a possibility, that is, did it let him see everything just now? If so, could he ask it.

After all, if the drought comes, she must be prepared first, otherwise she will be caught off guard by the drought, not to mention that she doesn't want that disaster to happen to her family.

She is not the savior, nor is she Guanshiyin, not to mention that even if she really told the story of the drought at this moment, no one would believe it, and would instead treat herself as a demon girl and say that she deceived the public with her demonic words. It can't be washed with water.

So don't blame her at this moment, she just wants to keep her family, no matter whether the drought is real or not, she has to make second-hand preparations.

Soon the child started to swim slowly, then swam to the shore, and stopped on the wooden board on the shore, and when An Xin saw behind him, he walked over, and saw the child facing him Ah a few words.

Soon two characters appeared on the wooden board, one was one character, and the other was three characters. When An Xin saw these two characters, he was taken aback for a moment, and soon looked at the child. Said, "You said that the drought may last for one year or three years?"

As she said that, An Xin looked at the word, but when she raised her head this time, she saw the child disappearing on the lake again. Seeing this, An Xin frowned immediately.

What does this three-character root represent?Is it the number of years of drought, or the number of years away from drought, and at this moment An Xin is puzzled.

And at this moment, the sky has already brightened, and the words on the small wooden platform have long since disappeared. Seeing this, An Xin looked at the lake, was that child a little carp?
Although she asked the child, but he never answered from the beginning to the end, but if he wasn't, why did he tell himself all this?
Soon Anxin thought, the carp should have become a spirit, and I saved its life, so I wanted to repay the favor, and then told myself what the drought was about to happen. Humans really can't compare to this animal.

Their hearts are very simple, and they will repay the favors they have. Some people, even if they have received favors, are still not satisfied and want to get more. Sometimes people's hearts are really not as pure as the hearts of animals.

Soon An Xin turned around, but just when she turned around, she suddenly stopped, then took out a pot of water in her arms, and said to the lake.

"Thank you, I gave this to you. Although I don't know if it will be good for you, but I hope it can help you. In addition, in the future, don't trust people. Not everyone will hurt you when they see you. You have suffered too much and you have to learn to be good, thank you for telling me everything, if you want to play with me in the future, just call me, "

As he spoke, he dropped the cowhide kettle on the lake, and quickly turned around to leave. When An Xin left, the kettle that was originally floating on the lake sank at that moment.

Soon the little boy came out of the water and looked at An Xin, with a smile on his face, his white and tender face was as white as a freshly cracked egg.

Especially those eyes are even more out of the world of laughter. They are so beautiful at such a young age, how could they feel handsome and gorgeous, but it is a pity that it will be hard to see peace of mind in the future.

And at this moment, An Xin was on the way back, thinking about the drought all the time. Sure enough, there was a drought. Food and water are probably the most important things, so I have to find a way.

(End of this chapter)

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