pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 855 Wankou Town

Chapter 855 Wankou Town (3)
"I said, Li Goudan, you don't work all day long, and you always want to be deceived. You are not afraid that you will cheat the wrong person one day, and you will accompany you with your life. Also, if you want to do business, get out of here. Don't be here. Disturbing Lao Tzu's guests," the shopkeeper said angrily after throwing him out.

Then he turned around and said a few words to the waiters in the shop, saying that he should not let this person in in the future, and when the waiters in the shop heard it, they nodded one by one.

At this moment, Li Goudan, who was not thrown out, had a look of anger, but there was still calculation in his eyes. He would not give up. After finally finding someone who was easy to attack, how could he let it go so easily.

As for An Xin in the inn at the moment, after Li Goudan left, he ate some food. After eating the food, he asked the shopkeeper to send some pens, ink, paper and inkstones to the guest room, and then returned to his room .

After returning to her own room, An Xin walked around some rooms. When she found that the room was not much different, An Xin lay down on the bed at this time, and just as An Xin closed her eyes and fell asleep for a while, she heard There was a knock on the door from outside the room.

As soon as she heard the knock on the door, An Xin opened the door to let the waiter in. After seeing the ink, paper and inkstone, An Xin took up a pen and wrote a letter. In the countryside.

In this era, the messengers are all people in the government, and everyone is not allowed to peek at the contents of the letter, otherwise they will be punished.

And after writing a letter to report her safety, An Xin lay down on the bed and fell asleep comfortingly, but at this moment, An Xin didn't know that she was comforting her, but Qin Yihan was already in a state of anxiety.

Although one day I knew that An Xin was still alive, but this An Qiao didn't know what she was thinking about. When she thought of this, she couldn't sleep or eat at ease. Is there anything wrong?
"Is there no news about her yet?" Qin Yihan looked at the kneeling people and said, they are all a bunch of trash, it takes a long time to find someone, no wonder something happened to the master back then.

At this moment, although the ghost doctor hadn't died, he was still unconscious. Even if the Bailingquan sent by Anxin was used by the ghost doctor that time, the ghost doctor's condition could be improved to a certain extent.

But at this moment, there is still no sign of waking up, but the only consolation is that the face of this ghost doctor has already become more and more rosy at this moment.

And when the person kneeling on the ground heard Qin Yihan's words, he hurriedly said, "Master, just now the subordinates got the news that someone claimed that Miss An Xin was going in the direction of Wankou Town at this moment, but only later At the time, Miss had already lost track of her, but the subordinates and others have already started looking for it with Jiapai, "

And when Qin Yihan heard that An Xin was in Wankou Town, his expression became a bit stern, and then he glanced at the crowd and said, "No need, I will naturally look for someone, and you are here Take good care of this Anjia, and it is best not to make mistakes again, "

As soon as he heard that Anxin was going to Wankou Town, Qin Yihan couldn't help but worry. After all, Wankou Town was quite chaotic, and he just looked at the teenage girl, where did she go to do?
Faced with An Xin going to Wankou Town alone, Qin Yihan was a little unhappy. After all, if something happened there, what would he do then?
Fortunately, this peace of mind, usually looks more sophisticated, which made Qin Yihan's heart less worried, and at this moment, when the people on the ground heard it, they said one by one, "It's the master."

And after Qin Yihan explained some things, he rode to Wankou Town on horseback at that time, but at this moment, he was on An Xin's side, but he still didn't know that Qin Yihan was still looking for him.

On the second day, An Xin woke up early in the morning. After waking up, An Xin got up and ate some breakfast, and soon put on her clothes and left the gate. Today is the time to find out the news.

It's just that when An Xin just left the gate, he ran into the boy who came uninvited yesterday, and at this moment, Li Goudan stood in front of An Xin with a big smile on his face.

"Young master, do you want to rent a warehouse? I know where you can find it. It's cheap and clean. It's definitely an excellent place. Don't leave, young master. These words are all true. Gold is real," and at this moment when Li Goudan saw An Xin, he hurried over.

At this moment, Li Goudan was still wearing yesterday's torn clothes, and his face was a bit haggard, but his eyes were bright, especially when he looked at An Xin, his eyes seemed to see the God of Wealth.

And when An Xin saw this Li Goudan, she frowned first, and soon remembered that this person told herself yesterday that he knew where there was a warehouse.

But even though he was looking for a warehouse at the moment, he would not let others sit on the ground and raise the price, not to mention that the person in front of him may not necessarily come here just to lead the way for him.

"Young master, you have to know that this Wankou town is not big, but it is not small. If you want to find it by yourself at this moment, I am afraid it will take a lot of effort. If you look for me now, I will definitely find the best one for you." The warehouse," Li Goudan chatted endlessly when he saw that An Xin hadn't opened his mouth.

And when An Xin heard it, she immediately frowned, "Talk about the price with me, and talk nonsense,"

When she saw that this person was attached to her, although An Xin felt displeased, it didn't mean that she couldn't go and have a look. If what this person said was true, then it wouldn't hurt to go and see it herself.

What's more, even if he has tricks, he can see through them himself. As long as he is careful when he goes, he won't be afraid that this person will play tricks. Of course, if he dares to play tricks, she doesn't mind giving him a ride.

(End of this chapter)

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