pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 857 Get through before the robbery

Chapter 857 Get through before the robbery (2)
Soon Li Goudan was kicked out by An Xin, and kept moaning on the ground, "I knew that you were uneasy and kind, but I didn't expect you to be really uneasy and kind. Tell me, why did you plot against me?"

At the beginning, if she hadn't been vigilant in her heart, I'm afraid she would have fallen for this kid today, and now when Li Goudan was clutching his abdomen, his expression became distorted. Damn, this brat is so delicate and strong very.

Soon a dagger appeared in Li Goudan's hand, and then suddenly stabbed at An Xin. As soon as she felt the chill, An Xin's eyes turned cold, and she quickly held Li Goudan's hand, and her eyes froze. At that moment, a killing intent flashed across.

There was also a sudden effort in his hand, and soon Li Goudan's hand clicked, and An Xin twisted it abruptly, "Ah,,, my hand,"

She An Xin has never been a kind-hearted person. At first she saw Li Goudan as a child, so she didn't hurt him much, but when he was about to kill her with a knife, An Xin naturally wouldn't hold back.

When she saw Li Goudan who kept howling on the ground, there was a glint in An Xin's eyes, which looked ghastly and frightening, "Stinky boy, when this young master killed people, you were still killing chickens, how dare you kill chickens?" If you use the knife with me, it seems that you don't want to live anymore,"

An Xin stepped on Li Goudan's body, he looked very much like a stubborn boy, where he raised his forehead high and looked at people with his nostrils, which made him feel very uncomfortable immediately.

"You can kill or cut whatever you want, young master, I am the only one who does the work, and it has nothing to do with others," Li Goudan became annoyed when he saw this peace of mind.

Damn it, how could I not be able to beat a dwarf who is shorter than me, but for a moment, a faint light flashed in my eyes, hmph, brat, just wait for me.

"Oh, one person does things and the other person is responsible, so you still have accomplices, you brat?" Upon hearing Li Goudan's words, a faint light flashed in An Xin's eyes, and there was a lingering smile in that smiling face. Not knowing is profound.

And when Li Goudan heard it, he said, "Yes, the whole thing is my own idea, and it has nothing to do with other people. You can kill or cut whatever you want. I will not betray the master. "

As he said that, he said with a dignified look, but his heart was beating drums. Looking at An Xin's eyes, he also felt a little guilty, and when An Xin heard what Li Goudan said, he suddenly chuckled.

This brat is really loyal, but in the next second An Xin suddenly turned cold, "You think I am a fool? You do things alone, and you have to be loyal. How can you say so much to me? Ben The young master sees that you are simply trying to play tricks on me. If you fall into my hands today, don’t even think about running away. Didn’t you say you have accomplices? Then you call this young master at this moment. I want to see it when I come, yours Where are the fellow party members?"

She is really a fool, if this person really has a party, will he say it out of his own foolishness?Of course not, from the fact that he led himself here, and he was careful all the way, and he opened the business without showing any doubts, and he was very smart.

Since he is a smart person, would he reveal himself to his fellow party without revealing himself?The answer is of course impossible. After all, even if he has accomplices, some people will not say it. After all, he still has to wait for their rescue.

And now that he said it himself, wouldn't this make him on guard, and wouldn't it be very troublesome when his party came, so it can be seen that this person wanted to borrow the name of the party so that he could be alone run away.

(End of this chapter)

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