pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 864 The Big Thing About to Happen in Wankou Town

Chapter 864 The Big Thing About to Happen in Wankou Town (3)
After all, he just saved him, so it's not too much to ask him to take care of the child now, but where is she going in such a hurry?

At this moment, after An Xin walked out of Li Gui's shop, she quickly followed Li Ji and the others up, and while following Li Ji, she carefully concealed her whereabouts.

After all, this Li Ji had fought with him before, and he knew clearly the depth of Li Ji's kung fu, so at this moment, An Xin naturally had to be careful in everything, and soon An Xin followed Li Ji to a very remote place.

After arriving at this place, Li Ji and Li Dashu's father stopped, and just when Li Dashu's father stopped, a man in black appeared beside Li Dashu's father.

"Lord Li, there is still no news about the Ninth Highness, but according to people familiar with it, the birth mother of the Ninth Highness passed away due to illness five years ago, and the Ninth Highness is also alone, wandering with the little princess, But recently, they don't know where the Ninth Prince has gone?" At this moment, the man in black knelt down to Li Dashu's parents and asked.

At this moment, when Li Dashu's father, Li Jinian frowned when he heard the man in black's words, "Does that have the appearance of the Ninth Prince?"

When Li Jinian heard the words of the man in black, he immediately became distressed. The romantic debt left by the emperor in the past, he did not expect to let himself wipe his ass today, and at this moment this man did not know where he went.

What made him even more irritating was that not long after his son died, the emperor asked him to come out to look for his son. This was clearly Li Jinian, but even though Li Jinian was angry, he never dared to disobey the emperor's order.

"This subordinate has also asked about this, but according to people who know His Highness the Ninth Highness, the Ninth Highness has been dressed in tattered clothes all year round, and even his face is pitch-black, so there is no characteristic at all, but this little The princess, but she is standing there so gracefully, she looks like a little beauty," the man in black said after pondering for a while.

And when Li Jinian heard what he said to the man in black, his face immediately turned black, damn, shit clues, this emperor is unreliable, given a little bit of clues, finally found that woman , but unexpectedly died.

And at this moment, the subordinates given by the emperor are not reliable, and they will directly give themselves a dark feature. You must know that there are few dark people in Wankou Town, and there are simply too many of them.

"Okay, you continue to investigate," Li Jinian said coldly at the man in black, and when the man in black heard it, he nodded and retreated.

When Li Jinian saw the man in black retreating, he immediately frowned, "The emperor is urging me so hard, and at this moment, there is no news at all about the little princess and His Highness the Ninth Prince. ?”

After all, the emperor urged me so hard, but at this moment, there are so few clues. Li Jinian is a little funny at this moment. He knew early in the morning that he had a son outside, but he came to look for him after the woman died. This is simply playing with people, without the slightest sincerity.

But at this moment, Li Jinian didn't think about it, and he was not the same. He only knew to look for someone after his son died, so at this moment, he and the emperor were completely in the same boat.

As soon as Li Ji, who was on the side, heard what Li Jinian said, he said, "My lord, you don't need to worry at all. Although His Highness the Ninth Prince is missing at this moment, it is good news if there is no news. At least the clues we have at this moment , at most other people, I am afraid it will not be easy to jump over us to find the Ninth Prince, so you don’t have to worry about it at all, even if they find the Ninth Prince first, we can do nothing, "

As he spoke, Li Ji made a gesture of wiping his neck with a knife, "Just kill those who want to take the credit of the Lord, one by one. At that time, the credit for finding His Highness the Ninth Prince will not be yours."

And when Li Jinian heard Li Ji's words, he immediately burst out laughing, "My lord Li Ji knows that, I can rest assured that you do things, then I will leave it to you, Li Ji, you need to make up for your mistakes ,"

As he said that, he patted Li Ji on the shoulder, and then jumped over Li Ji. At this moment, Li Ji naturally knew that Li Jinian's calculus made up for his mistakes, so he was talking about Li Dashu's affairs, and the credit at this moment was of course It is the credit for finding His Highness the Ninth Prince.

Soon Li Ji and Li Jinian disappeared under the moonlight, but after the three of them disappeared, An Xin still crouched in An Xin, never came out, but there was a lot of waves in his heart, no wonder this Wankou town has been coming a lot lately Less noble.

And just after An Xin squatted in the dark for a long time, two figures suddenly appeared under the moonlight, and these two people were Li Ji and the dwarf. Li Ji looked around and frowned head.

Could it be my own illusion just now?Is there no one in the dark at all?It turned out that when Li Ji left just now, he didn't leave right away, but hid in the dark all the time, hiding himself and waiting for An Xin to appear.

But what disappointed Li Ji was that there was no sign of An Xin appearing at all. When he saw this, Li Ji wondered if he was too suspicious just now, and there was no one here at all.

And then Li Ji and the dwarf, after looking around, shook their heads, "Brother, you may be thinking too much, if there is someone, it is impossible for us not to find out, not to mention that if she was there just now, she will definitely come out , so brother, you should think too much, "

And when Li Ji heard it, he also nodded, and when he looked at the weird surroundings, he followed the dwarf and disappeared under the moonlight. He should have thought too much just now.

(End of this chapter)

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