pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 878 Grain Purchase

Chapter 878 Grain Purchase (2)
Soon the sound of falling things came, and when An Xin heard it, she smiled lightly, she was really dozing off, and someone brought her a pillow, and it was a good nephrite jade pillow at the moment.

"Li Goudan, let's go and visit Village Chief Zhao first." Soon An Xin brought up the snacks he had packed, and then went to Village Chief Zhao's house first. When Li Goudan saw this, he didn't agree with it. .

After all, Village Chief Zhao is angry at the moment, and An Xin came to the door at this moment, which is basically looking for abuse. After all, others have just been angered, but you just passed by, so it is obvious that you want to be treated as cannon fodder.

But at this moment, An Xin doesn't think so. It is precisely because of this, because Jun Jiaoyan is angry with Village Chief Zhao, that's why she wants to go in even more. What's more, when doing business, there is no time when she won't be scolded by others.

Soon An Xin walked in, and at this moment in the courtyard of Village Chief Zhao's home, there was a woman feeding the chickens, but when she saw Li Goudan and An Xin, she was taken aback for a moment, but soon realized that Come out, Li Goudan.

As soon as she recognized that Li Goudan was fine, the woman immediately said to the people in the room, "Master, this Goudan is back, come out and have a look."

Not to mention how happy that face was, and when An Xin saw this, she was even more surprised. In front of outsiders, this Li Goudan always looked like a rogue in a hurry, but in Zhaojia Village this Li Goudan was Surprisingly well-behaved.

Whether it's at Aunt Zhao's house or at Village Chief Zhao's house, they all gritted their teeth. This made An Xin have a momentary hallucination, thinking that the gloomy and cold boy in the past was not like him, but here he is gentle and polite, not at all. No way, the fierce Li Goudan that day, it turns out that everyone has a pure land in their hearts.

Soon the Village Chief Zhao came out of this room, and when he saw Li Goudan, he was slightly taken aback and then smiled, "Goudan, are you coming back to see Uncle Zhao and Aunt Zhao?" ,"

And when Li Goudan heard it, he smiled softly, grabbed his hair with his hands, and looked at Village Chief Zhao with a restrained look, and said, "I'm here to see you, by the way, the village Grandpa, who were those two people just now?"

Although he didn't want to provoke Village Chief Zhao's unhappiness, Li Goudan still asked at this moment, because An Xin had whispered to her, so at this moment he could only ask about it helplessly.

If the Village Chief Zhao was stunned for a moment when he heard what Li Goudan said, and when he thought of Li Goudan talking about Jun Jiaoyan and Xunran, his expression would immediately turn ugly, but at this moment he has never Get angry with Li Goudan, but invite Li Goudan and An Xin into the room to do it.

As soon as he entered the room, the Village Chief Zhao took a sip of tea immediately, and then chattered, "Don't talk about them, the Jun family has made enough money. I didn't expect that my heart would be so dark. When they cooperate, it is just to make a small profit. They are basically making a lot of money. At this moment, they turned their faces and ruthlessly suppressed the price. Can you let me not be angry? Usually thirty yuan, now But they give five cents, which treats us as beggars."

When this point was mentioned, Village Chief Zhao seemed very excited, and when Li Goudan saw this, he gently pushed a cup of tea over, letting Village Chief Zhao drink the tea so that his body would not be hurt. Angry.

In fact, the reason why Jun Jiaoyan and Xunran came here today is for the food in the Wankou town room, and with the power of the Jun family at the moment, no one dares to compete with them. Can only be sold.

(End of this chapter)

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