pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 888 Qin Yihan and An Xin

Chapter 888 Qin Yihan and An Xin (3)
That's right, right now, he can't say those swear words in one breath. Although he believes that An Xin will not deceive him, he still has to keep a thin line, because he will quietly listen to her words.

Then he can distinguish right from wrong by himself, because at this moment Qin Yihan is worried about An Xin, who is taking advantage of him?What's more, there is too much hope at this moment. When I hear it later, when I point out the problem, it will only hurt her heart.Faced with Qin Yihan's answer, An Xin was a little surprised, but she also nodded in satisfaction. She really liked that she didn't say anything against her will just to trick herself.

"Han, if I say, there will be a severe drought here soon, do you believe me?" An Xin looked at Qin Yihan, and suddenly said in a very serious tone, "Although this matter is very mysterious, but Han, you have to listen to it." I said, it will come, and the drought will come soon,''

After hearing Qin Yihan's words, An Xin finally planned to tell Qin Yihan the matter, and when Qin Yihan heard An Xin's words, he was slightly taken aback, and there was a hint of panic in his eyes at that moment. Find.

Qin Yihan was silent for a while, but in the end he still said, "To be honest, I don't believe it. After all, how could you know what God thinks? It's just that I believe that you never lied,"

Yes, these natural disasters and man-made disasters are God's decision, how could people know?But at this moment, he believed that An Xin hadn't lied, because she believed that An Xin had indeed obtained the news, no matter where she got it, she had never lied to herself at that moment.

When An Xin heard Qin Yihan's words, she stared blankly at Qin Yihan, and finally lowered her head and started to eat, "Han, thank you for believing in me, but what I said is true, it will definitely come,"

Although Qin Yihan never believed that the severe drought would come, he believed that he hadn't lied just now, and this was enough. After all, it was good to have someone who would believe your words unconditionally, but what was lacking recently?
Suspicion between people will destroy the relationship, but it can also be achieved by just doing it. At least at this moment, Qin Yihan has never suspected that he is lying. He just doesn't believe what she said. After all, this drought is a natural disaster. How could it be possible? will know.

"Okay, that's what you say, but Xin'er, even though you're convinced that the drought is coming back, don't say anything, after all..." Qin Yihan walked to An Xin's footsteps, then knelt down and said.

The rough right hand also rubbed An Xin's hair, but when he was talking, there was a trace of loneliness in his eyes, as if he thought of something unpleasant at that moment.

In fact, Qin Yihan didn't believe in the severe drought, it was because of some incident in his childhood, that time he was almost burned to death, so now he doesn't believe in the severe drought, and he doesn't want it to come.

That period of history was painful for him, even if scabs scabbed over, it would still hurt, because the person who sent him to Xingtai that day had his family, his father and uncles, so at this moment Qin Yihan didn't want to recall that incident, and didn't want to believe in the severe drought that An Xin watched.

And when An Xin saw the loneliness and darkness in Qin Yihan's eyes, she was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly realized that she only remembered Qin Yihan's general aversion to the drought, because at that time he almost died Burned to death by his own family.

"Han, I'm sorry to remind you of something unpleasant." When An Xin thought of that incident, her heart ached for Qin Yihan, and then she kissed Qin Yihan's forehead and said, "Let the past pass, and I will always be with you in the future." By Han's side, I will always be by Han's side for the rest of my life, you will never leave me, and I will never abandon you."

As long as Qin Yihan never wants to leave him, then she will stay by his side for the rest of her life, be with him for the rest of her life, and be his bride, but when Qin Yihan has three wives and four concubines, she will not hesitate counterattack back.

After all, she is not a fool. After facing the betrayal, she can swallow her anger and leave. When she first married herself, she had to be mentally prepared to be a couple for the rest of her life. If she couldn't, then don't bother her.

Maybe her thoughts are very extreme in this world, but she still has this idea. Of course, she is not in the mood to find any rich children, nor is she in the heart to let them guard themselves like jade.

You must know that the sons of rich and noble families originally had three wives and four concubines. Now that you suddenly deprive them, it's strange if they don't rebel.

"Well, Xiner, you will stay by my side for the rest of your life." When Qin Yihan heard An Xin's words, he also held An Xin's hand, but at that moment, An Xin didn't realize that there was a deep look in Qin Yihan's eyes. persistent.

In the dark eyes, it looked extraordinarily gloomy, and the persistent eyes made his whole body darken immediately. This woman can only be his in this life, and his heart will be his for the rest of his life.

In fact, don't talk about other things, this Qin Yihan is very similar to An Xin in character, they are both paranoid people, especially when it comes to feelings, once they get it, they don't want to lose it, and once things happen, even they don't know where they are. When, what will you do?So they are originally the same kind of people, they are all paranoid about feelings.

(End of this chapter)

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