pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 896 The Love Rival Meets Extraordinarily Jealous

Chapter 896 The Love Rival Meets Extraordinarily Jealous (2)
After Qi Ye nodded, the chill on Qin Yihan's palm disappeared a lot, and soon Qi Ye said something to Qin Yihan, and Qin Yihan nodded when he heard it.

After seeing Qi Ye disappear, Qin Yihan looked around, and then quickly followed the direction An Xin was going. At this time, Qi Ye, who had disappeared originally, appeared in the same place, and at this moment beside him, he was still there. There is a dark guard of a man in black.

"My lord, are we really not going to follow this poor family master?" At this moment, the hidden guard asked suspiciously, knowing what happened this time is very important to their lord.

And when Qi Ye heard the words of the dark guard, he immediately shook his head and said, "I won't follow if I say I won't follow, not to mention that Han Qin's skill is very high. If you keep up, it won't take more than a quarter of an hour. He will be discovered by Han Qin, so it is better to wait quietly at this moment, not to mention that Han Qin also has his own scruples at the moment, he cares about that young master very much, so he dare not deceive this king, after all, he deceived this king. The king will risk his life and kill the young master beside him, he knows this better than this king, so he will ask for this king at this moment, "

Although he is unwilling, but at this moment, the seventh master also has self-knowledge. If he really fights with this Qin Yihan at this moment, he will be the one who suffers for a while. That's why he has never torn Qin Yihan's face at this moment.

Fortunately, Qin Yihan and Qin Yihan also have their own scruples, otherwise, he is not qualified to negotiate terms with Qin Yihan at this moment, after all, in the arena, the status of the prince is not very useful.

It's just that he couldn't think of it at this moment?The new head of the majestic Ghost Doctor Sect would be willing to be the bodyguard of a little baby. If it gets out, it will probably be laughed at.

It's just that this person seems to be taking it for granted, it's really strange, what kind of ability does that person have?Can the master of the poor family be so willing to be a bodyguard?

At this moment, An Xin, who was originally separated from Qin Yihan, just went out and met those porters. When she saw the porters, she waved to everyone and let them go forward.

Because it was working at night, the money that An Xin gave at this moment was twice as much as usual, so these porters were willing to pick up the work at this moment, but when An Xin and these porters had just walked a few steps, they saw There was a figure on the road.

I saw the man wearing purple clothes, wearing a hairpin on his head, black crown and jade hair, the gloomy moonlight sprinkled on this man, at that moment, the purple brocade clothes seemed to reflect a With a strange color, the whole person feels like a dream.

When seeing this person, An Xin was slightly taken aback, why didn't she think of it?I didn't expect that I would come to this Wankou Town in front of me, and the person in front of me was that Junhua.

"An Xin, I've been looking for you for a long time, I never thought you would come here," Qin Yihan was slightly taken aback when he saw An Xin, he didn't expect that the two were really destined.

When he came to Wankou Town, he got the news that An Xin had disappeared, so he had been sending people to find An Xin's whereabouts, but he didn't expect that he searched for her thousands of times in his dream, but she was already by his side.

"Master Junhua, why did you come to Wankou Town?" An Xin was slightly taken aback when she saw Junhua, why did Junhua also come to Wankou Town?
"I came here to find someone, because I didn't want the Jun family to get it, so I came here, but we are really destined," Jun Hua never concealed An Xin, the reason why he came here was not to find An Xin, but to find That Ninth Highness.

(End of this chapter)

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