pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 898: His Royal Highness Seven

Chapter 898 The Ninth Highness (1)
When An Xin faced the inexplicable agreement secretly reached by these two men, he immediately felt a little emotional, this man's friendship is really strange.

The first second was full of gunpowder, but the next second they suddenly shook hands and made peace. The plot changed too quickly. An Xin looked at Qin Yihan and Junhua, but in the end he respected the two people's decision and did not ask any more questions.

Soon he and the three of them rode on horseback, catching up with the porters who left earlier, and when they caught up with the porters, they naturally approached the village chief, who was already in the village at this moment. It is brightly lit.

And when someone saw An Xin, Qin Yihan and others, they ran over quickly, and the person walking in front at the moment was Li Goudan. When Li Goudan saw An Xin, he immediately walked in front of An Xin.

It's just that when he saw Junhua and Qin Yihan, he was taken aback for a moment, and soon his expression turned ugly. When he looked at An Xin, it seemed that he was saying that An Xin had betrayed him.

Facing Li Goudan's gaze, An Xin got off his horse and gave him a light look, saying, "Don't look at me like this, when you and Xiao Yu'er went out of the city, you didn't make any preparations. I walked together, and it is reasonable for others to find me at this moment, not to mention that this person was not brought by me, others are waiting for the rabbit, "

Although An Xin doesn't mind other people's opinions, it doesn't mean he is happy for others to look at him with resentment. After all, one more enemy will make people very uncomfortable, not to mention that the enemy may be a prince at this moment, so An Xin is natural It is even more difficult to ask for trouble.

When Junhua heard An Xin's words, he immediately shook his head, and said with a light smile, "Li Goudan An Xin is right, the reason why I came here was because I asked others, and at the beginning, I don't even know that you went with An Xin, but you should be glad you went with her, otherwise you would have been forcibly taken back by someone else at this moment, "

Junhua felt a little helpless about An Xin's eagerness to get rid of the relationship, but she never dismantled An Xin's corner. After all, what An Xin said was right at the moment, and she was indeed waiting on the sidelines.

And when Li Goudan heard Junhua's words, although his expression improved a bit, but when he looked at Junhua, he was more vigilant for a few days, "You have found the wrong person, I am not you at all. The person you are looking for, you go, "

Li Goudan naturally knew what Jun Hua was looking for him for?And when An Xin and Qin Yihan heard it, they left in a tacit understanding, but when they left, they pointed to Li Goudan not far away, saying that he should not be afraid.

When Li Goudan saw An Xin's expression, his heart immediately warmed up. This young master is actually quite a good person, at least at this time, he never abandoned himself.

It's just that he didn't know it at all, An Xin already had his own calculations in his heart, if Li Goudan was His Highness the Ninth Prince at this moment, then An Xin would naturally want to make a good relationship at this moment, after all, this is something that has a future for his future development, An Xin she So I won't let it go foolishly.

So at this moment in Sao Nian, you are basically deceived by An Xin's innocent appearance. That girl's heart is already blinded by profit, and profit is the first word. Except for those who care about you, everyone else is measured by use. Even this Junhua at this moment can't escape this word.

Even at this moment, it cannot be said that An Xin is greedy for profit. After all, An Xin is a businessman, and of course a businessman is interested in profit, so at this moment, An Xin is at best a businessman.

And when Junhua saw An Xin and Qin Yihan leaving, he looked at Li Goudan and said, "Yes or no, this is not up to us, but do you really think you can escape at this moment?"

(End of this chapter)

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