pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 903 Li Goudan's Thoughts

Chapter 903 Li Goudan's Thoughts (3)
And when Li Goudan heard An Xin's words, he looked at An Xin and Qin Yihan beside her, and soon An Xin said, "This is how people are. When you have no power or power, you will naturally be stepped on by others." Now, if you want others to look up to you, and want others to treat you as a human being, then all this depends on yourself. This is how it is to be a human being. Instead of asking others to give you face, it is better to work hard on your own Earn, that’s how people are, if you want others to respect you, you don’t need to want yourself to be respected.”

An Xin looked at Li Goudan lightly and said, "At this moment, you have no power and power, and you are an illegitimate child. How can you deserve the word "person", so if you want to let them both respect you, you must first learn how to survive." , in your next world, it will be more cruel than here, don’t ask others to give you a way to survive, there will always be a place for you to find your own way of life, "

No matter where a person is born, it is the same. In fact, in order to climb up, she also steps on others. In the mall, anyone who is soft-hearted will be sneaked away by unspoken rules. If you want to be in the top position, it is not only about beauty, but also See if you are smart enough.

After all, many people have good looks, but you rely on your appearance to get a position, and recently there is a second one who also relies on appearance, so she believes from the beginning to the end that people will always rely on themselves.

In fact, she did this just to survive, and her roommates who lived in the same place were also stepped on. After all, if you don’t step on others in the workplace at that time, you will eventually be stepped on by others, so An Xin flattered and would rather bear the world Don't let the world bear me.

And at this moment, this sentence is the same for Li Goudan, the royal dispute will always be more scary than the workplace, because it is a place where you will be smashed if you are not careful, so at this moment, Li Goudan You have to be several times more ruthless than yourself to have a chance to survive.

When Li Goudan heard An Xin's words, he couldn't help but look at An Xin a few more times. The young master's words immediately made him feel that he had gone through vicissitudes and all the world has already been seen.

He really wanted to know everything about this young master, who is obviously younger than himself, why he looks more thorough than himself, and the words he said are also very cold, which makes people feel very cold, like the cold winter of the twelfth lunar month, which makes people suddenly feel Bitter cold.

"Master An San, I want to ask you something." Li Goudan looked at An Xin, and when he saw the sophistication in An Xin's eyes, he opened his mouth and said, "If your father comes back to you in the future, you Will you forgive him? Will you go home with him?"

When she heard Junhua's words just now, Li Goudan also knew clearly that the affairs of An Xin's family were over, so she really wanted to know how An Xin felt at this moment.

When An Xin heard Li Goudan mentioning An Youwei, she immediately showed a cruel and bloodthirsty smile and said, "I don't care why this person comes back to me in the future? It's just that if he wants to use me, then I don't care." I will remember the slightest kindness, "

In fact, An Xin wanted to say that if he dared to use her again, she would kill and bury her dead. After all, she would never allow anyone in the world to mess with her current life, no matter whether that person was her father or not.

What's more, does An Youwei accompany her as a father?From Erya's birth to his teens, An Youwei never hugged Erya once, and every time he hated her as a dog, but at this moment, although he let An's give birth to Erya, he completely He has not done his duty as a father.

What's more, he abandoned Anshi and Erya after he became rich and prosperous. If he came to pretend to be hypocritical after she became rich, then she just felt disgusted, so disgusting that she wanted to kill.

When Li Goudan heard An Xin's words, he was taken aback for a moment, then lowered his head and meditated. When An Xin saw this, he walked over and patted Li Goudan on the shoulder and said, "This is my business, Li Goudan. What's more, my family is different from yours. When my father became famous, he abandoned our family of four and married a beautiful girl outside, but your father is different because his status is different. You just need to remember this. alright,"

An Xin was a little worried that Li Goudan would be affected because of her, so she couldn't help but say one more thing. Since ancient times, her status has been that of a ruthless person, but at this moment, if Li Goudan goes back with hatred in his eyes, I'm afraid life will not be easy go there.

So at this moment, An Xin told Li Goudan that his father is the emperor above the emperor, even if he has done many things wrong at this moment, who would dare to say that one sentence was wrong?
So whoever calls him the emperor, even the emperor is capricious. Although she is not qualified to say this, she hopes that even if Li Goudan hates him, she will keep her hatred in her heart and be exposed for the rest of her life.

In fact, An Xin still feels a little strange at this moment. This Li Goudan is almost 16 years old, and it is a bit late for the emperor to look for someone at this moment. Why has he not been looking for someone in the past 16 years? At this time, I came to find someone, which is really puzzling.

When Li Goudan heard An Xin's words, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, Master An San, I know his identity very well. Mother always told me the most is don't hate him, he is the emperor, he can't help himself, "

It's just that Li Goudan's words had a bit of a sarcastic smile, and there was a bit of coldness in his faint eyes, as if it was winter snow in the twelfth lunar month, "But I still have to thank you, Master An San, I hope that in the future We can still meet, at that time your father, I believe he will regret it to death, "

He believes that the child in front of him will have an unexpected growth. At that time, his ruthless father will regret it in his intestines, and at this moment, he will let his father regret it in his intestines. No matter how many years it takes, he will seek justice for his mother.

(End of this chapter)

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