pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 910 My father died long ago

Chapter 910 My father died long ago (1)
"Don't talk nonsense, Miss Ben never said that, don't try to slander the reputation of our Jun family here," Jun Jiaoyan's face was turning green at this moment, although she didn't care about other people's opinions.

It's just that there are some scruples. After all, if the reputation of the Jun family is ruined by me at this moment, I'm afraid that after I go back, I won't be able to eat and walk around. At that time, even if my mother protects it, it will be difficult to be kind.

And when An Xin heard Jun Jiaoyan's words, she immediately curled her lips, "Is this young master talking nonsense? You know it in your heart. As the saying goes, you are not afraid of the shadow when you are upright. Have you ever done it in your Jun family? It’s enough to know, why explain it? If you explain too much, it becomes a cover-up instead.”

When An Xin heard Jun Jiaoyan's words, she immediately covered her mouth, her small eyes flickered like a small fan, and the crescent moon looked extremely cute.

It's just that what this girl said was enough to make people think deeply. With this angel's smile, the words she said were stinging. It was basically saying that Jun Jiaoyan has no silver 300 taels here.

As soon as Jun Jiaoyan saw An Xin's smile, it immediately became a dazzling presence in her eyes. As soon as Jun Jiaoyan saw the gazes around her, she immediately wanted to take a step up.

It's just that in the next second, I was pulled by Don, "Jiaoyan, how old are you, why bother with a child, although the child is ignorant, he may have heard something he didn't understand at home, so he is talking nonsense here at this moment Luanyu, if you care about your child, you really have lost the politeness of our Jun family, "

And just when Jun Jiaoyan was about to burst into anger, a man in red clothes suddenly walked out beside Jun Jiaoyan.

But at this moment, the only thing that is not as good as Junhua's is that the peach blossom eyes of the man in front of him are a little more charming, while Junhua has a lot of masculinity. When An Xin saw the appearance of this feminine man, he immediately darkened. It was dark, and I couldn't help turning my head to look inside the inn.

As soon as she saw the man in front of her, An Xin also guessed about seven or eight points. This similar appearance was probably the young master of the Jun family, Jun Qingyan.

"This young master is right. My young master is indeed hearsay. It's just that the hearsay is just right. I heard it from this young lady." When she saw Jun Qingyan, An Xin frowned immediately. The lineage of the Jun family is really a boutique.

"Haha,,,," as soon as Jun Qingyan heard An Xin's words, a cold killing intent flashed in her beautiful peach eyes, but it disappeared in a flash.

It's just that Qin Yihan, who was always protecting An Xin, took a step forward subconsciously. How could he miss the killing intent in Jun Qingyan's eyes?

It's just that when he saw Jun Qingyan's appearance, Qin Yihan couldn't help but feel disgusted, why are these big men so prettier than the other?
It's just that at the moment he doesn't think about it, he looks good, and he just happens to be the type of handsome guy he likes, a man, but it's just like this, this Qin Yihan still has a sense of crisis for the swaying Junhua who loves him all day long.

This An Xin is young, so don't be fooled by these beauties at the moment, after all, compared with Qin Yihan and Junhua, in their world, this Junhua is superior in terms of aesthetics. Of course, the aesthetics in An Xin's eyes, It was Qin Yihan who won the victory.

"Young master, you really know how to joke. She is charming and has a quick temper. If she speaks indiscriminately for a while, you just take it away. Don't say she is a little girl. I am afraid that when we big men speak aggressively, we will inevitably make a few mistakes. In a word, don't worry about it, everyone, "Compared to Jun Jiaoyan, this Jun Qingyan is very obvious and much smarter.

(End of this chapter)

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